The Conquering Dark: Crown

He drew in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, his lips curving into a smile instead, remembering the feel of Kate’s hands on his skin. A well of fire burned suddenly in him that had nothing to do with aether. Her light feather touch had struck cleanly and rhythmically, searing his soul as well as his flesh.


Leaning over a porcelain basin, he madly splashed the cool water over his face. It did nothing to soothe him. His hands rubbed his face hard with a towel and he turned to the bed, slipping under a single sheet. With damaged Hartley Hall open to the night airs, the house was even cooler than usual, but Simon was flushed and warm.


There would be no rest tonight. His mind and heart raced with indecent thoughts of Kate. On any other night he would have welcomed them, but there were plans to make and a war to fight. Even with his added strength, Simon wasn’t sure it was enough to take Gaios down, but their fortunes did seem improved suddenly thanks to Kate.


Gaios could not remain free. Pendragon had contained him once. Simon could do no less. And he knew just where to find what he needed. Tomorrow morning, they would take the key portal to Paris. Pendragon’s old prison might hold the answers.


A creak at the door made him turn. It opened and Kate stood there, draped in a light night shift. His breath caught in his chest, thoughts of business scattered like leaves on the wind. The glow of a small lantern in her hand illuminated the soft curves of her body through the delicate material. Simon’s mouth went dry.


She walked softly to him, holding the light steady, her small feet padding quietly to the edge of the bed. Like a moth to a flame, she came forward slowly. With great deliberateness she placed her light on the table, then returned her attention to Simon. In her other hand she held a small vial.


“What’s that?” Simon’s voice was barely above a whisper.


She didn’t reply, but merely uncapped the container. A thick honey liquid oozed into her palm. Her finger dipped into the liquid. Then she applied it to his bare chest, tracing the rune on his heart. Immediately the burning eased. He sucked in a deep breath.


“Is that better?” she asked.


“Much,” he breathed.


Simon took her open palm and brushed his own fingers through the honeylike balm. He sat up and gently pulled the neck of her shift aside to expose the scar above her breast. Her own inhale was sharp and long. He pressed his lips lightly against it. He stroked the inverted rune, spreading the gel over her smooth skin. The burnt symbol was still inflamed. Kate sighed and closed her eyes.


“Better?” he asked her.


“Much.” The word was low and full of need.


Kate slipped between the sheets, the length of her stretching out alongside him. Her chilled body against his rising heat. He gently arranged her hair on his pillow. She was quiet and there were no lines on her face as if she were in a dream world where her life was always sweet and pleasant. Her green eyes remained warm and inviting.


“I’ve come to enjoy the fruits of my labor,” Kate told him, the edges of her lips lifting.


Everything he wanted lay before him. “Are you sure, Kate? One night with me and you can never go back.”


Her mouth quirked and an eyebrow rose. “Oh? You think you’re so special then?”


He shook his head. “I truly don’t, and society even less so. Your reputation will be ruined. You know who I am. People will talk.”


Kate’s head moved slightly on his pillow. “They already do, since the first day you came to Hartley Hall. Whether we did or we didn’t, whether we do or we don’t.”


Simon traced the line of her jaw, and said playfully, “Your prospects will be limited.”


“You are my prospect.”


He frowned, wondering what her life would have been like if their circles had never intertwined. “Do you regret it?”


“Hardly.” She shifted closer, her lips a scant distance from his own, and murmured, “And what about your considerable reputation? Can you settle for just one?”


Blood pounded in his ears. “I have since the first time we met. You changed me. I measure myself by you now. Every moment I spend with you makes me better.” His hand touched the brand over his heart. “We’re joined, Kate. From now until our dying breath.”


Her palm closed over his and he was sure she could feel the frantic hammering of his heart.


“Today I saw you wreathed in aether,” she whispered. “Like a phoenix rising in flame. So much power. Am I different now too?” Her hand moved to hover over the rune on her breast.


“We’ll never be like normal people. Not that we ever were. We’ll be able to touch each other in ways we’ve yet to discover. But I can think of no one else I would rather caress, now and forever.” Simon’s chest shuddered as she touched him, her own inhale of breath tenuous and shaking. It nearly undid him. “You’re beautiful.”


“My God, you talk too much. I’m bloody well wooed.”


Clay Griffith, Susan Griffith & Clay Griffith's books