The Conquering Dark: Crown

Kate shouted, still too far from Simon. She watched with relief as he turned his body to nearly impervious rock, his only hope of surviving so close to the center of the maelstrom. Kate saw the rest of the team spread out to her right, scrambling with instant ability to protect themselves. She agonized that she was too far away to help.


Farthest away, Kate saw that Jane had come down from the hill of wreckage. Penny crouched near her, pulling Hogarth close. At the same time, Hogarth had his broad arms wrapped about Charlotte’s furry form. Spears of light arced from Jane’s fingers, filling the air around her, smashing the large projectiles to bits, then dancing through the deadly shards, ripping them from the air. Her protective lightning spread to cover those at her feet.


Nearest Kate by several yards, Malcolm reached out and pulled Imogen close to him. Nick swore in pain, fighting through the sharp haze to reach the Scotsman and the woman. He hunkered low and raised a rudimentary ice shield that covered their front and flanks. Heavy stones smashed into it and razor shards quickly started tearing it away. Nick continued to reinforce the ice with more and more frost in a struggle to keep them safe.


All this occurred in seconds, leaving Kate to stand alone to Simon’s right. Columns exploded in front and behind where she was standing. Her hands flew to her bandolier. She threw vials out onto the ground all around her, creating walls of amber. The small fortress rose up just in time.


She watched in dismay as great chunks of obsidian collided with the amber, smashing it, while smaller shards gouged out pieces. Her safety would be short-lived and her protective crystals would soon be rendered to dust. Kate threw more amber vials in hopes of reinforcing it. Glistening ocher bloomed hard around her in the hellish air, only to be cracked and shattered yet again.


Kate’s hands fumbled at her bandolier, but she touched only empty loops. Her actions stilled. Across the way she saw Imogen struggling against Malcolm’s grip, trying to get to her. Agony ripped through Kate’s heart. She had no way to comfort her sister.


Her green eyes sought out Simon. Despite his stone form, she sensed the panic and desperation in him. She straightened calmly, a sad smile on her lips. She feared that Simon was prepared to drop his spell and run to her, even though he had to know he wouldn’t reach her before he was struck down too. His mind wouldn’t win that argument. She shook her head as the last remnant of her amber shelter shattered in the storm. She stumbled, her clothes and hair flying. Smaller rocks cut her face and arms like razors. A chunk of obsidian clipped her side, knocking her down to her knees.


A pale shape appeared next to Kate. The strange vision of white and black was Imogen, her mourning dress shredded by the razor dust, exposing her pale flesh. She threw herself on Kate, knocking her to the ground and burying her sister beneath her. Kate yelled, angry at Imogen’s foolhardiness. But Imogen was stronger; so much stronger. Kate cried out as bright red blood poured down Imogen’s face above her. Heavier stones struck the young woman, knocking her head aside. Still, she shoved Kate down and settled atop her. Kate struggled to drag Imogen closer, fighting to protect her young sister. Detritus tumbled over Imogen. She was slammed down again, her pale body jerking like a doll. Her white skin was visible briefly until more shards crashed down.


Kate’s world went dark, everything lost in a tempest of obsidian. She tasted iron as she tried to swallow against the grit. The full weight of her sister pressed against her. She took some calming solace in the touch of Imogen’s cool cheek against hers. Kate tried to move but she was pinned; rough stones and rocks pressed into her legs and arms. There was no sound beyond the roaring in her ears and Kate fought panic in the pitch-black and the suffocating air.


Knowing the terror in the dark must be tenfold for Imogen, Kate twisted her hands in the tight space, clawing at the sharp rocks around her, trying to gain some wiggle room. She shoved with her very limited leverage, but they were wedged in tight. With shallow pants, Kate struggled to whisper soothing words in her sister’s ear. “It’s all right, Imogen. They’ll find us. No need to fear. We’re together.”


Finally above her, she sensed movement and heard the scrabbling of claws and furious digging. A huge chunk of masonry was lifted and tossed aside. A stream of thin daylight shone in. The hazy sky greeted Kate’s blurred vision, but then it was blocked as the great werewolf crouched, peering down.


“Hello?” Charlotte growled.


Relieved, Kate couldn’t draw enough breath to answer her. She tried weakly to rouse her sister to no avail. Kate now heard Simon’s desperate voice. More rubble was shoved away and she drew in a deeper breath. Craggy stones and basalt soil sloughed off Imogen as Charlotte pulled the limp form up into her powerful arms.


Clay Griffith, Susan Griffith & Clay Griffith's books