The Black Witch (The Black Witch Chronicles #1)

I realize, with warm surprise, how deeply and genuinely I mean it.

Diana’s lips curve into a small, satisfied smile, and a few minutes later I let my eyes fall shut like the Selkie’s, the rhythm of Diana’s fingers soothing on my hair, a blessedly dreamless sleep quickly overtaking me.


“Elloren, wake up.”

Diana’s insistent voice pulls my eyes open the next morning. The strange expression on her face, her gaze focused on the door, drives out whatever sleepiness remains.

She’s off the bed and in a defensive crouch. Ariel and Wynter are gone. The Selkie is awake and backed up against the headboard of my bed, motionless except for her terrified ocean-gray eyes, which dart wildly around.

I push myself up and into a straighter position, my back stiff from sleeping all night propped up against the bed.

“What’s the matter?”

Diana’s finger flies up to her lips. “Someone’s coming. I don’t recognize their scent. Two people.” Diana cocks her head to one side, listening, her face grim. “They’re coming for her, Elloren. The groundskeeper. And someone else.”

“What will we do?” I breathe, my throat clenching with fear.

Diana falls farther into her protective crouch. Her eyes take on a scary glow as her lips pull back into a threatening snarl. “If they try to take her,” she says, showing all her teeth to the door, “I will kill them.”

I can hear three things. A terrifying growl starting at the base of Diana’s throat, the sound of footsteps in the hallway and my own heart slamming against my chest.

The door swings open, and Diana’s growl morphs into a full-blown death threat.

Standing in the doorway is a Vu Trin sorceress.

She’s young and dressed in uniform—black garb marked with glowing blue runes and silver weaponry strapped all over her body. I notice that she resembles Commander Kam Vin, their leader. She has the same dark eyes and hair, deep brown skin and similar facial features. But she’s also very different from Kam Vin.

She’s scarred. Horribly so. A good half of her face is covered in burn scars, the hair on one side of her head gone, covered partially by a long, black scarf. One ear is completely melted away, the scars extending down her neck and disappearing inside her clothing, only to reappear in the disfigured stump that must have, at one time, been a hand, but now looks as if all the fingers have melted together. It’s a strange effect—one side of her strong and lovely, the other mutilated.

Diana slowly raises one hand and rapidly morphs it into a clawed weapon.

The young sorceress narrows her eyes at Diana, amazingly serene in the face of such a formidable threat. “I am Ni Vin,” she announces formally, “younger sister to Commander Kam Vin. Under auspices of the Verpacian Guard, I have jurisdiction over this area of the University. And, I have a search warrant.”

“Make one move for the Selkie, Sorceress,” Diana warns, her voice frighteningly calm, “and I will tear you limb from limb.”

A small smirk plays at the corners of the sorceress’s mouth. “What Selkie?” she asks.

Diana’s head jerks back, her eyebrows knitting in confusion.

“It seems the groundskeeper’s Selkie has gone missing,” the sorceress informs us. “Pity. I have been asked to accompany him on a thorough search of the University grounds.”

“Where is he?” Diana growls as she exposes her canines, her eyes glowing furiously.

Ni Vin gestures with her head toward the door. “He would not come up.” A calculating glint lights her eyes. “I warned him that Icarals live in these quarters. Being a Gardnerian, he feels a very strong aversion to their kind. He considers the entire tower to be unclean.”

Diana slowly straightens as the realization dawns on both of us that we’ve gained an unexpected ally. Diana’s hand morphs back to its human shape.

“I am glad to find that your lodging is free of the Selkie,” Ni Vin informs us. “I am sure that you would not object to my searching the tower quite thoroughly.”

“No,” Diana says, clearly as surprised as I am by this unexpected turn of events. “You are free to search and have our full cooperation.”

“Thank you,” the sorceress replies stiffly. She stands there for what seems like a long time as the Selkie cowers on the bed, eyes darting from person to person.

“It is as I thought,” Ni Vin finally announces. “The Selkie is nowhere to be found. Perhaps she was stolen by a Gardnerian soldier seeking some amusement.”

“A likely scenario,” Diana agrees.

“Thank you again for your cooperation,” Ni Vin says with a quick bow. “Good day.” She turns on her boot heels and leaves.

“Distract her,” Diana orders, gesturing toward the terrified Selkie, who is crouched down low on the bed.

I sit down next to the trembling Selkie and stroke her hair as Diana stalks out into the hallway. The Selkie looks up at me, a desperate plea in her otherworldly gaze.

“Shh.” I try to reassure her, putting my arm around her thin body, fierce resolve growing within me. “We won’t let them take you.”

She closes her eyes tight as if deeply pained, then presses her head down against my shoulder, hiding her face from view.

After a few minutes Diana comes back into the room, a serious expression on her face.

“Do you trust the sorceress?” I ask her.

She cocks an eyebrow at me. “We don’t really have a choice.”

I shoot her a worried look.

“Relax, Elloren Gardner,” she assures me. “I believe she was telling the truth. I did not smell a threat in her words.”

“I think I need more help with this situation than I realized,” I admit, my heart racing. “And what if Aunt Vyvian decides to pay me a visit?” I worry, dread rising. “She’s sent a constant stream of letters to pressure me to wandfast. There’s no way she’ll stay away forever—she likes getting her way.”

“Perhaps,” Diana agrees. Her amber eyes dart to the quivering Selkie. “It might be wise to call a meeting of everyone who would be willing to help us find a safer place for this Selkie.”



It’s startling to be staring into Elfin eyes. Like liquid metal mixed with starlight.

It’s even more startling to have Wynter’s brother, Cael, his second, Rhys Thorim, Wynter and my brother Rafe grouped together in the North Tower’s upper hallway this evening.

Along with the Lupines, Andras and Yvan.

We’ve quickly pulled together a meeting of everyone who could help the Selkie, but I never expected we’d be joined by two Alfsigr Elves.

I hold straight-backed Cael’s disconcerting, glittering stare. “Last time you were with my brother, you were threatening him.”

Cael’s stare is unwavering, his words heavily accented. “The last time I saw you, Elloren Gardner, you were threatening my sister.”

I blink at him, chastened. “Yes, well... I’m sorry about that.”

“I was wrong about your brother.” His accent is lilting. He says “wrong” with a gentle trill to the “wr.”

“I don’t understand,” I say, looking to Wynter, who is perched on the North Tower’s upper hallway windowsill, her wings neatly folded behind her.

“My sister told me what you have done,” Cael explains. “Rhys Thorim and myself, we were concerned that this rescue is unsafe for my sister to be involved in. But then when we saw this Selkie and heard what was done to her...” Cael’s silver eyes go tense with conflict, his voice lowering. “It is terrible how she has been treated.” Resolve steels his gaze. “There are many who believe that my sister is little more than an animal, as well. We support you in your decision to rescue this Selkie, Elloren Gardner.”

I glance around at everyone, amazed, then back to Cael. “So, you’re all...friendly now?”

Cael’s mouth lifts. “Yes, Elloren Gardner. We are friendly.”

Shaking my head, I look to Wynter, who seems tired and drawn. “How’s she doing?” I ask.

Laurie Forest's books