TWISTED (Eternal Guardians Book 7)

More guilt rushed in. “Not a surprise.”



“Yeah, well.” Orpheus sighed. “They didn’t make things easy for the Misos. They’ve got influence within the capital and used that influence to threaten and manipulate. Shopkeepers refused to sell to them. Jobs were unavailable. The Council even put forth a mandate that Misos young couldn’t be taught in the same schools as Argolean young. In response, Isa tried to set up a mini city here within the castle walls so the Misos could have access to everything they needed, but this place isn’t as big as your old digs. They were busting at the seams. The Kyrenia settlement in the Aegis Mountains seemed like the perfect answer.”


Nick’s mind skipped back over the walls surrounding the settlement, the rebuilt homes and buildings.


“It’s got a dark history,” Orpheus went on. “Not sure if you’re familiar with it, but the witches used to inhabit Kyrenia. They created their own little city out from under the influence of the Council. Over time, it turned into a refugee settlement for any and all who were banished or chose to live on the fringes of Argolean society, not just witches. I used to trade with them back in the day. They were self-sustaining, and their numbers were continually growing. Until the Council decided they were gaining too much power and wiped them out.”


“Strength in numbers,” Phineus muttered from the end of the table where he was eating a bowl of cereal.


“Fuckers,” Cerek muttered from the other side of the kitchen as he flipped pancakes to a plate and poured more batter on the griddle.


“No argument here.” Orpheus looked back at Nick. “About twenty years ago, the Council sent in their private army and burned the place to the ground.”


Nick leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. “And the Argonauts didn’t do anything to stop it?”


“We didn’t know about it,” Phineus said. “Most of us were on rotation in the human realm when it happened. Zander was the only one here, and by the time he caught wind of what was going on and called us all back, it was pretty much done.”


Nick looked back to Orpheus, thinking about Cynna and what she’d told him about her family. “The king had to know.”


“Motherfucker,” Cerek mumbled from the counter, not looking up from what he was doing.


“He did know,” Orpheus said, drawing Nick’s gaze once more. “He okayed it. According to the Council, the witches were spreading anti-Argolean propaganda and therefore needed to be dealt with swiftly.”


“The king claimed he didn’t know there were others at the settlement besides witches,” Phineus said, “but that’s a lie. He knew. Everyone knew.”


“She knew her father approved the Council’s attack on this settlement. She sat back while hundreds—no, thousands—of people were slaughtered because they were different.”


Cynna’s words floated in Nick’s head, sending a chill down his spine. If Isadora had known what had happened at Kyrenia, he believed in his gut she wouldn’t have been able to change the outcome, especially not if Theron and the Argonauts had been sent away on purpose to keep them from stopping it. But it didn’t change the fact Cynna was right. And a place in his heart went out to her, understanding her hatred, seeing her need for revenge in a whole new light.


Nick’s eyes narrowed as he looked at Orpheus again. “So Isadora is upping security at the settlement because she’s afraid the Council’s going to strike again?”


“Yeah,” Orpheus said. “There’s been no overt threat, but she’s being cautious. After Kyrenia was destroyed, the remaining witches moved deeper into the mountains, residing in tent cities that could be easily moved if the Council discovered their locations. Delia, the leader of the coven, is the keeper of the moving portals, which Isa used a few times to cross back and forth between here and the human realm without the Council or the Argonauts knowing. When Isa decided to rebuild the settlement, she asked Delia for help. The witches were more than eager to get involved. Rebuilding Kyrenia is an in-your-face fuck-you to the Council. But as yet, they’re not living there in mass numbers. Only the Misos.”


“Who the Council clearly doesn’t want in Argolea,” Nick guessed.


“Right. Things are tense here,” Orpheus said. “Isa pulled Argonauts off the search for you and the search for the water element to provide more protection for Kyrenia.”