TWISTED (Eternal Guardians Book 7)

She excited him, amazed him, aroused him in ways he never expected. Every sound she made, every time she trembled, every ripple of pleasure that rocked her body… It all made him hotter, higher, made him feel so fucking alive. “Come all over my cock, Cynna. Fuck back into me. Mm, yes. I need to feel you come all around me. I need it right now. Give it to me, baby.”



She rocked back again and again, taking him deeper, squeezing him tighter. And just about the time he thought he wasn’t going to be able to hold out any longer, she threw her head back and cried out. Her body shook, and her sex pulsed and rippled around him with the force of her orgasm. And knowing she was coming, knowing he was giving her exactly what she needed made his own orgasm shoot down his spine, detonate in his balls, and rocket through every cell in his body.


Pleasure arced through every limb, raced along his nerve endings, and exploded behind his eyes in a flash of heat and light. Her * continued to clench around his cock as his orgasm went on, milking him of every last drop of erotic bliss. When it finally ebbed, he realized he was breathing hard, his body was covered in a layer of sweat, and he was lying across Cynna’s back, pressing her into the hard table.


He pushed up on one hand and looked down at her. Her cheek rested against the surface of the table, damp hair stuck to her temple, and her eyes were closed. But the Cheshire cat grin tugging at the corners of her mouth told him loud and clear that she’d enjoyed that. Every single moment.


Gently, he drew back, pulled free of her body, and tugged up his pants. She cringed as his sticky skin separated from hers.


“Oh my gods,” she muttered. “I can’t move. I think you broke me.”


He chuckled. Couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt like laughing. Rolling her to her back, he tugged on her limp arms until she sat up. Her eyes popped open. Her brow furrowed as she focused on him. Before she could think up another excuse why she needed to leave, he pushed his way between her legs, wrapped his arms around her slim waist, then lifted her from the table and carried her toward the couch.


Her warm palms landed on his shoulders. “Nick—”


“Don’t fight me right now.” He sat on the couch and leaned back into the cushions so she was draped over him. Then he reached up, pressed her face into the hollow between his shoulder and throat, and tightened his other arm around her back. “Just let me hold you for a few minutes.”


“Skata,” she whispered against his throat. “Don’t do that.”


“Don’t do what?”


“Don’t be all…sweet.”


He guessed no one had ever been sweet to her. Maybe her parents, but they’d been gone so long, she probably barely remembered what it was like to have someone care.


He ran his hand down her dark hair, loving the soft texture, loving the way she sank into him and felt so right. Closing his eyes, he breathed in her intoxicating jasmine scent mixed with the heady aroma of their sex, and relaxed even more.


He needed this. Her, keeping him centered, giving him something real to focus on. When he was with her, he could push everything else to the back of his mind—what his father wanted from him, what was wrong with his soul mate, what had happened to his people. When he was with her, he felt grounded. In a way he never had before.


He trailed his fingers down the soft, delicate length of her spine, then back up again. And as he did, he remembered the marks on her caramel skin, which brought back a wave of those memories he’d caught in her mind only moments before.


“I don’t care what you did with Zagreus.”


Her breaths stilled against his neck.


“I mean,” he went on, “I hate the things he made you do that you didn’t enjoy, but I don’t hate that you did them. I can’t. Because I don’t want some virginal little princess.”


Slowly, she drew back and looked at him, confusion drawing her brows together to form a sexy little crease right between her eyes. “You don’t?”


“I never did. I can’t stop the soul mate draw, but that doesn’t mean I like it. Or that I’m excited by it. I’m not. What excites me is that.” He nodded toward the table where they’d just fucked each other blind. “What gets me hot is this.” He slid his hand down her back and squeezed her firm ass. “And now that I’ve seen those visions in your head, all I can think about is tying you up and doing them to you myself…my way.”


“Oh gods.” Her eyes dropped closed, and she pressed her forehead against his shoulder. “You saw that? Skata. I don’t like these new gifts you’re getting.”


He wasn’t inclined to agree. Some of them, like the ability to make her clothes disappear just by imagining her naked, were pretty damn cool.


“I wasn’t trying to pry. But you were projecting pretty forcefully. I couldn’t stop myself from looking.”


She groaned and pressed her forehead harder against his shoulder.