TWISTED (Eternal Guardians Book 7)

“The one in Montana. Why?”



Nick’s colony. Cynna’s gaze skipped back over the faces even as her mind tumbled with visions of Nick standing in that burned and broken courtyard, seeing nothing but death around him. These were Nick’s people. Healthy. Whole. Alive.


That tingle turned to a warmth that flared all around her heart, making it beat faster. She needed to tell him. He thought everyone was dead. But as soon as the thought hit, reality slammed back into her.


He didn’t need her to tell him anything. The queen would undoubtedly fill him in on all he needed to know. Now that he was with his soul mate, there wasn’t a single thing he needed from Cynna.


That warmth died out, leaving behind cold, barren cinders, much like the ones she’d stared at in Zagreus’s massive fireplace. Only then, she’d been smart enough to protect her heart. At some point since then, she’d dropped her guard, and now she wasn’t just struggling with emotions she didn’t want to feel. Now she knew what it meant to truly be alone.


She swallowed hard, only that ache in her chest wouldn’t go away. And dammit, she didn’t need this now. Not when she didn’t have a clue what in the hell she was going to do next.




Delia’s voice wafted through the cool air, and Cynna glanced in her direction, only to realize she was still standing in the middle of the courtyard making a fool of herself. Giving her head a mental shake, she told herself to snap out of it. “I—I need somewhere to stay.”


Delia’s expression softened. “You’re always welcome with us, child. The coven has a house here in Kyrenia we use whenever one of us is visiting. Consider it yours. Call me selfish, but I’m hoping you’ll decide to stay permanently.”


Cynna wasn’t ready to commit to anything just yet, but a place where no one could find her sounded just about perfect at the moment. “Thank you. I appreciate it. I—”




The sound of Nick’s voice drew Cynna around, and her eyes flew wide as she watched him stalk in her direction across the courtyard. How in Hades had he found her? How had he gotten through the gates? She hadn’t even heard the damn things open. And why the hell was he here tormenting her?


She whipped back to Delia and wrapped her hand around the witch’s wrist. “Take me there. Now.”




“Now.” When Delia’s gaze snapped to Nick, Cynna tightened her grip. “I don’t want to talk to him.”


Indecision crossed Delia’s face. Behind Cynna, someone said, “Nick? Oh my gods, is that…?”


“Look, everyone, it’s Nick!”


Voices drifted. Footsteps sounded. From the corner of her eye, Cynna saw a group suddenly swarming around Nick, slowing his pace. But his gaze was still locked on her, and though Cynna didn’t know what the heck he wanted from her, she didn’t care. She didn’t want to hear any more about his soul mate or talk about what had happened to her family or rehash what was obviously finished between them. She just wanted a moment of peace.


“Please,” she pleaded to Delia.


Delia’s eyes darkened. Then she nodded once. “Yes.”


Energy buzzed around Cynna as they flashed, and she felt herself flying. When she opened her eyes, she was standing on the porch of a two-story home that looked as if it had just been built.


“Come inside.” Delia released Cynna’s arm and pushed the front door open. “It’s cold out here.”


An entryway opened to a combo living-dining area. Stairs ran up to the second floor on the right, and a hallway led toward the back of the house. The room to her left was sparsely furnished with a couch, two side chairs, a fireplace, and an old wood dining table that looked like it sat at least six. There were no pictures hanging on the walls, no artwork, nothing to signify anyone lived here permanently.


Which was just fine with Cynna. She didn’t need anyone’s memories right now, including her own.


“Is it empty?” She moved into the living area and pressed her hand along the back of the soft brown couch. Exhaustion pulled at her, and she realized how tired she was after everything that had happened.


“Yes.” Delia headed down the hallway that opened to a kitchen, breakfast nook, and another gathering room. “I was here wrapping up a few things and was planning to go back to the coven tonight. But if you’re here, I might just stay. Are you hungry, child?”


Cynna’s stomach growled at just the mention of food, and she tried to remember the last time she’d had a meal. She hadn’t eaten that night she’d had dinner with Zagreus and Lykos. Hadn’t eaten anything when she’d been running in the jungle with Nick because she’d been injured. Hadn’t even looked for food at the colony. And then they’d come to Argolea and met Nick’s soul mate and…