TWISTED (Eternal Guardians Book 7)

Cynna’s eyes open, and she glared up at Nick while a hundred different emotions prickled her skin. “You son of a bitch.”



He grinned. The bastard grinned. Then he leaned down and kissed her. “That’s love-of-your-life son of a bitch. And get this through your stubborn head, female. I love you. That wasn’t just a declaration, it was truth. And that means I’ll do what’s best for you even when you can’t. Isadora and me… It’s not happening. Ever. But this—you and me—this is happening. And as long as I have you by my side, I know we can find the answer to this mess.”


Tears burned behind Cynna’s eyelids. She was trying to do the right thing. Trying to save him the way he’d saved her, and he was making it so damn difficult.


Before she could move into the strength of his arms and tell him what an idiot he was, Isadora grasped her arm and turned her around. “I have another sister?”


The queen’s eyes grew damp, and she threw her arms around Cynna, hugging her so tight, Cynna gasped. “I didn’t know. If I had known…”


She pushed back and stared at Cynna, her face brimming with a mixture of happiness and sorrow that tugged on Cynna’s heart in a way she wasn’t ready for. “She was happy? Our mother was actually happy?” One tear spilled over her lower lashes and slid down her cheek. “I never saw her happy. Not once. My father made her so miserable. He made both of us miserable. He never even looked for her after she disappeared. He wouldn’t let me look for her. I used to daydream that she left me to start over, but I never imagined she actually had. I so desperately wanted her to find love, to be free of his prison, to—”


Horror flashed across her face. “She was in Kyrenia? Oh my gods. You were in Kyrenia?”


She hugged Cynna again. “I’m sorry. Oh gods. I’m so sorry.”


All that resentment rushed out of Cynna on a wave. Because, in that moment, she realized that her jealousy and anger had been misplaced. Isadora’s life hadn’t been perfect. She’d suffered and hurt just as much as Cynna. Maybe more, because she’d never known the love of a real family. Not until she’d created her own with Demetrius.


Isadora drew back and pressed her hands to Cynna’s cheeks, swiping away tears Cynna hadn’t even realized were sliding down her own cheeks. “Nick’s right. This changes everything. And I’m so very glad he told me. I have another sister.” A warm smile brightened her damp eyes. Eyes that were the same color and shape as Cynna’s. “We’ll figure this out. Together we’ll all figure this out.”


The queen finally let go of her, and when she did, Cynna’s legs felt like gelatin from the rush of emotions. But Nick was right there to catch her before they went out from under her. Just as she needed.


He wrapped one thick arm around her, pulled her against him, and tipped her chin up with his finger. “Stop running from me, okay? I’m getting tired of chasing you. I almost flashed butt-ass naked because I didn’t know what you had planned. Trust me, I’m pretty sure that’s not something the castle guards want to see.”


“No.” She leaned into him, fighting back the smile on her lips. “I’m sure they don’t.” Her heart felt light. As if a giant weight had been lifted. Which was just ludicrous, because there were still so many things left unresolved. “But I definitely wouldn’t mind seeing that naked ass again. Soon.”


His amber eyes darkened, and desire slid across his features. A desire she knew was meant only for her. He leaned down toward her mouth. “There are plenty of rooms in this castle where I can give you a private showing.”


She pushed to her toes and kissed him, desperate to get him alone again. To show him how much she loved him. But footsteps pounded across the floor, growing louder by the second. She drew back from his mouth.


Nick turned. Cynna peered past him toward a tall, dark, and handsome Argonaut she didn’t remember meeting.


The male skidded to a stop in the doorway, gulped in a breath of air, and said, “I’m glad I found you. All of you.”


“Phin?” Demetrius stepped forward, still cradling Elysia in his arms. “What’s wrong?”


The Argonaut’s face was flushed, his chest rising and falling as if he’d been sprinting. He sucked in one breath, then said, “Daemons. And satyrs. In Tiyrns. Hades’s and Zagreus’s armies are attacking.”




Nick gripped Cynna’s hand tightly in his as they hurried down the stairs toward the lowest level of the castle, afraid to let go of her for even a second. Pandemonium had already broken out. People ran right and left. They zigzagged between bodies and drew to a stop at the end of the balcony.