Sweep in Peace (Innkeeper Chronicles #2)

“Reiki music,” I murmured.

A quiet, soothing melody of flutes and drums filled the room, floating against the sounds of a distant thunderstorm. I had found the soundtrack on sale in a bargain bin and it proved surprisingly relaxing. I sat quietly on my bed with my eyes closed. Just let it go. Sink into the music, listen to the soothing sound and let things go…

The inn’s magic tugged on me.

I opened my eyes. A screen formed in the wall. On the screen Officer Marais jumped out of his car. Red welts marked his face – the reminders of falling on the pavement last night. Beast saw him and barked once, baring her teeth.

This was going to be interesting.

Officer Marais ran to the front of the vehicle and stared at it in shock. The Reiki soundtrack kept playing. Trilling bird cries added a pleasant high note to the sound of flutes.

Officer Marais dashed back to the driver seat, popped the release on the hood, ran back, and jerked the hood open.

“What do you think I am, an amateur?” I murmured.

Officer Marais stumbled back from the hood, his face pale, and began to pace back and forth in front of the cruiser, glancing at the hood once in a while.

I felt bad. I’d met some bad cops before. Sometimes when a person got a little bit of power and especially if the rest of their life made them feel powerless, they went to a dark place with it. Marais wasn’t one of those cops. He calmly followed the rules and was dedicated to his job. He wasn’t on a power trip, nor did he get off on screaming at people and bullying them. He was an Andy Griffith kind of cop, one who relied on his authority more than his gun. He probably wanted to be respected rather than feared. His sense told him that something about Gertrude Hunt was off and he genuinely wanted to get to the bottom of it. If I was running a meth lab or a ring of car thieves, he would’ve dealt with me in no time, but the inn was so far outside of his frame of reference, he couldn’t even begin to guess at the truth and if he somehow managed it, he wouldn’t believe it.

Marais pivoted and stared at the house.

“That’s right. You’ve been had.”

Officer Marais clenched his teeth, making the muscles on his jaw bulge, marched to the car, and got in.

“Zoom closer,” I asked.

The inn zoomed in. Officer Marais was looking at his dashcam. His face was grim.

“No, there is nothing on there either. You lost. Go home.”

Now he would start his cruiser and drive away and I would get on with my day.

Officer Marais stepped out of the car, slapped the door closed, and marched to the inn.

Oh crap.

I jumped off the bed, pulled on a fresh pair of sweatpants. I needed a bra. Where the hell did I put my laundry? I yanked the laundry basket out of the closet and dug through it. If only I would put away my laundry after I washed it, I wouldn’t be in this mess… Got it.

I slipped the bra on, threw a white T-shirt over it, and dashed out of my bedroom down a long hallway. The Reiki music followed me. “Turn it off,” I breathed. The music died. Beast shot ahead of me, barking her head off. I ran down the staircase two steps at the time and burst into the front room just as the doorbell rang.

I ran into the kitchen, past Orro and George, grabbed a cup from the cabinet, stuck it under the coffee maker, and popped the first pod I touched into it.

The bell rang again. Beast barked in the other room.

I grabbed the coffee, dumped a whole bunch of creamer into it to cool it enough to drink, and went to the door.

The bell rang, insistent.

I swung the door open and stared at Officer Marais’s furious face.

“Officer Marais! Good morning. What can I do for you? What’s happened now? Has a chupacabra been spotted in the neighborhood? Or was it a Bigfoot? Maybe someone saw a UFO? I can’t wait to hear how it’s all my fault.”

I sipped my coffee to appear extra casual.

“You…” Officer Marais pulled himself together through an obviously huge effort of will. “I know what happened.”

“What happened when? Where?”

“Here.” He stabbed his finger toward the floor.

I glanced at the floor. “I don’t follow…”

“I saw a group of men appear on the road.”

“What do you mean, appear?” George said behind me.

I glanced over my shoulder. He was wearing loose gray slacks and a fisherman’s sweater of natural beige wool.

Officer Marais looked at him for a long moment, no doubt committing his face to memory. “When I attempted to question them, a large male suspect swung a bladed weapon and cut through the hood of my vehicle. Then you used an unknown device to restrain me. I was dragged through a tunnel to the stables, where I lay on the floor while you and the others discussed what to do with me. Then you gave me an injection and I lost consciousness.”