
Her eyes fall to the man kneeling at my feet, then she meets my gaze. She gives a tight nod.


I have taken so much from her. Probably more than I even realize yet. With a sigh, I reach my other hand into my pocket, yank out a few benzo syringes, and drug the bastard up 'til he's going to need a twelve-step program.


Syd hops down to the ground and takes a step toward me. I want to touch her, tell her how much I love her. Another jolt hits. She halts. I try to give her a reassuring look, but that's hard to do when hooked to a cosmic jumper cable.


We don't have to speak though. We're on the same side again.


But I'm still under the wish, so she's not safe near me.


I take off through the yard, over the fence, and drive the Corolla as fast as I can toward the desert mansion.


When I hit the freeway, my phone vibrates. I pull it out, my hand and arm shaking, and jab the screen.


Text message from Syd.


I don't know how you knew, but thank you. See ya at Karl's.


I clench my teeth against the next jolt.


I haven't ate, drank, or slept in days. I'm covered in dirt and sweat and blood. Zaps of electricity keep running through my body because I won't kill the most important person in my life. I have no idea how much longer before the hum evolves into something even more horrific and manages to push me over the edge again.


Yet, somehow, I don't feel like a monster anymore.





The gates to the mansion are open when I arrive. This can't be a good sign. I pull into the driveway and shove the car keys into my pocket. Once Karl knows I'm in the building, I suspect he will send his men to confiscate my cars.


I decide to ignore the fact he can summon me anytime he wants, and I can do jack shit about it. If I give the thought too much time, I might realize how hopeless this situation is, because I have no out. Even if Syd does perform a miracle akin to turning water into wine, I still belong to Karl. I can't imagine serving him knowing what I do now.


Which, to be fair, still isn't much. I know Phillip Ballantyne paid off an infirmary doctor to steal some genie juice, and the whole plan backfired. I know Karl ordered me to kidnap Syd's little sister and blow up her uncle's research lab.


I get the lab situation. Karl didn't like Larry poking around his dark secrets. But I don't understand why Zoe and Syd were brought into this. Maybe as retaliation against Larry.


I also don't understand why Larry killed Syd's father. Or her brother.


Mark had been stabbed by the same weapon Syd described was used on her father. Either Larry had come after Mark too, or Mark is … Syd's brother. He had been overseas studying. That's why Syd had taken his Audi.


Holy shit, I really have been destroying Syd's family without either of us realizing it.


I make my way across the yard illuminated with lanterns and through the mansion without being disturbed. No guards. No house staff. Not even Silvia.


Outside the chamber door, I halt and try to listen over the hum.




I take a deep breath and, with shaking arms, push open the door. The scent of argan greets me, a reminder that I belong to this house. I will until the day I die.


The fabrics wave in a breeze, revealing a glimpse of Karl on his throne.


I close the door behind me and cross the long room, head lowered, until I'm in front of him. To his side, Syd stands with a half-dozen armed guards at her back. Her jaw is set firm.


“I thought I would have to summon you.” Karl looks vaguely amused. “You kept us waiting.”


I stare up at him without raising my head. My hair falls into my eyes.


He gestures toward Syd. “It seems your friend here has a request.”


My stomach feels sick. I remind myself he has already done his worst to her. To both of us.


“Just let him out of the wish, Karl,” Syd says, anger coloring her voice. “Look what you've done to him.”


“Oh, I haven't done anything to him. He knows the rules.” Karl's gaze meets mine. “Tell her you understood your choice.”


“He can't talk.” Syd shifts the purse on her shoulder.


I try to swallow, but my throat still burns.


Karl sits forward on his throne. “This operation was built by your ancestors, Dimitri. Your father, your grandfather, your great-grandfather. All the way back. Generation after generation gave their lives so we could be what we are now.


“Her family wants to take it away. They want to destroy it. No one has rights to what we have done.” His voice is even. “Fulfill the wish, Dimitri.”


I give a tight shake of my head. Another jolt. Goddammit. My face tilts to the ceiling. My muscles tighten and convulse.


Karl raises to his feet and steps down from the stage. I remain in my spot, forcing deep breaths and trying to keep my mind clear. His influence over me is never good. Syd won't be able to run far if I tumble back into insanity.


Rainy Kaye's books