

My current vehicle is a silver Corolla, since I left my Accord in the cafe parking lot. Some of mansion staff will swing by and grab it. Makes no difference to me. Karl buys economy vehicles like normal people buy oranges. They sit around the estate to be claimed as I need them.


None of the Walkers ever use any of these “piece of crap” cars. Silvia has a Porsche. Eileena has two Ferraris, because kisses might begin with K but better things begin with F.


Karl drives a 1967 Mustang Shelby Venom. My servitude isn't the only thing we don't see eye-to-eye about. I have no use for classics.


I drive back to Phoenix and swing through downtown. The office building is five stories. According to the case file, my target is on the fourth floor. My alias is Kevin Wodderspoon.


I decide to come back at night. Less people means less risk someone will realize I'm not the name on the badge. That could be disastrous.


I have to admit, Karl is getting good at this game. Fake IDs are a dime a dozen, but not specific access to facilities. This is a new development. I like it.


When I reach home, I have to park the Corolla on the curb because my carport is already full with an Accord, a Civic, and an Audi.


Oh, boy. I'm in for it.


Syd storms down the front porch and across the yard. She's a foot from me as I step out of the Corolla.


“Dimitri! You couldn't—”


I grab her arm and tug her toward the house, muttering, “Not out here. Don't make a scene.”


I let go of her and unlock the front door.


She follows in behind me. “If you wanted to leave, you could have just told me, you know.”


“I had work,” I say, heading to my bedroom. I stuff the case file into the top dresser drawer and turn to find her standing in the doorway. “When work needs me, I have to respond.”


“You go into the bathroom to take calls from celebrities?” She puts her hands on her hips. “Doesn't that sound just a little bit odd to you?”


“Look, Syd, this is my job. You either deal with it or you don't.”


After I say the words, I can't believe how simple of a solution it is. She either stays or goes. There is no third option.


She glares at me. I fold my arms over my chest and wait. Even though I'm sure she's going to blow up and leave, then text me later, my job simply isn't negotiable.


Finally, her shoulders relax, and she lets out a breath. “Okay.”


I scowl. “What?”


“Okay.” She throws her hands in the air. “You're right. I'll deal.”


We stand in awkward silence.


Then, true to Syd, she grins. “Wanna fuck?”


“I gotta work tonight.” I sit on the bed to take off my shoes. I'm not tired, but I probably should rest up before setting out to steal office supplies while a demon plays a bongo drum in my head. Someone needs to start a workers' union for genies. “I'm gonna get some sleep.”


I set my phone alarm, then crawl down into my covers and close my eyes. The bed bounces a little as Syd climbs up next to me. She settles her head on my shoulder, her body draped along my side and her hand on my chest. Within a few minutes, her breathing turns slow and deep.


She is in my life to stay. I have no idea what I'm going to do.





My phone rings. I smack at it with my eyes closed until it stops. I would like to press snooze, but the droning noise in my head is quite effective at keeping me awake. Probably even better than the strange propeller alarm.


I pull my arm from under Syd without waking her and head to the bathroom. Time to shower and get ready to rock. In and out. Then, if there's any mercy in the universe, Karl will stop making requests for a long while.


If wishes were horses, I would be in a stampede.


When I return to the bedroom, Syd is awake but lying on the bed facing the door. She gives a half-awake smile.


“Can I stay here while you're at work?” Her voice is small.


The thought makes me tingly. She would be here when I come back. Waiting for me. And tonight, I won't be returning with literal blood on my hands.


But there's always the risk Karl will send someone over, whether to clean the house or to collect the gaggle of cars. I don't know what sort of agreement his staff signed, but I can't imagine anyone keeps secrets from him.


Maybe that's because I can't. Mostly.


“No, sorry,” I say and shuffle through the drawers.


The mattress groans a little as Syd climbs out of bed. She comes up behind me, wraps her arms around my bare stomach, and slips a hand under the fold in the towel at my waist.


If I wasn't awake before, I certainly am now.


I still and close my eyes, but it only serves to emphasize the humming in my head.


Just need to grab the safe. Once I transport it from the downtown office to the mansion, I can have a little Syd-time and make good on all the ways I've had to screw up lately.


She kisses my neck, her breast against my back as she leans into me. Her other arm slides over my shoulder.


Rainy Kaye's books