Suite Scarlett

She gave her hand a little swirl in the air.


“And naturally, when I heard they had run into a small spot of financial trouble…which every worthwhile show does, believe me…I absolutely jumped at the chance to become the company’s new artistic director and the main financial backer. It was the ultimate piece of good fortune. This is exactly the reason this hotel is recommended. Wasn’t I thrilled, Scarlett?”


Scarlett got two stares from across the table—one looking for verification, and one waiting for her to verify. There was no time for her to process this utter and insane lie, so she simply said, “Oh…right.”


“It’s just that we’re a bit…concerned about Spencer’s career,” Scarlett’s mother said. “He won a scholarship to the culinary school and there’s a window of time that he can still qualify.”


Mrs. Amberson was nodding away gravely and gulping back steaming hot tea.


“I absolutely agree,” she said, though there didn’t seem to be anything to agree with. “The acting life is not an easy choice, and I think you’re handling this with exactly the right attitude. Spencer has obviously gotten the excellent training that the High School of Performing Arts is famed for. I know teachers there. They speak fondly of him.”


This could have been true, but Scarlett doubted it. She decided that it was too hard to keep up with the lies and keep a straight face, so she pretended to be interested in an imaginary spot on her T-shirt until she got a better idea of what the hell was going on.


“That’s good to hear,” Scarlett’s mom said slowly. “But Spencer is—”


“A rare and gifted physical comedian,” Mrs. Amberson cut in. “But that’s no surprise to you.”


“Well, no. He’s definitely that. He’s been throwing himself down the stairs since he was seven years old.”


“Exactly,” Mrs. Amberson said. “There’s a huge potential there. In my thir…many years in this line of work, I’ve only seen a handful of people like him, and they’ve all gone on to have full, flourishing careers.”


Lie or not, it sounded so good. Mrs. Amberson had a way of doing that. It stunned Scarlett’s mom into silence. The message was clear—the hotel’s most important and highest-paying guest in its history was now connected to this show. Scarlett couldn’t help but stare as her mother grappled with this new reality.


“Well,” she said, “it sounds…like it’s quite an opportunity.”


Scarlett had to bite her tongue to keep from yelping in joy.


“I assure you, it is,” Mrs. Amberson said. “Now, I’m just going to step outside to indulge my vice. And I promise you, they won’t be back here. This was a one-time offense.”


Outside, Mrs. Amberson broke into her strange, chin-jerking laugh and snapped open her cigarette case.


“It looks like I just got a theater company,” she said.


“But how did you…?”


“Scarlett, I smoke on the balcony. For the last three days, I’ve been watching a trail of actors sneak around the side of the building at six-thirty every night, like clockwork.”


“You knew they were actors?”


“They were carrying unicycles and swords. What else could they be? Circus burglars? Of course, I had to find out what they were doing down there. You should never leave doors propped open in this city. I’ve been letting myself in the back and observing for the last two nights. This is the most fun I’ve had in weeks!”


“So what happens now?” Scarlett said, almost not wanting to know the answer.


“What happens now? Some decent direction. Vocal work, for sure. And if Polonius doesn’t stop playing with his fake beard, I will personally break all of his fingers.”


“So…this is real? You’re really backing the show? You weren’t just saying that?”


“I never just say things, O’Hara. I do things. And I do them well. All in all, it’s a good group. And your brother is every bit as good as I said to your mother. And what a physique! I thought he looked like a scarecrow when I first saw him, but once he gets his clothes off you can see he’s really just a bodybuilder who’s been stretched on a rack. The things that boy can do upside down…”


Something inside Scarlett put out a faint wheeze of alarm, and this luscious description of Spencer made her want to throw up. But overall, things had taken a turn for the miraculous and good.


Johnson, Maureen's books