Storm's Heart

Tiago paused. Police work and bodyguard work are two different things, of course, he said. You would have a lot to learn, and you would have to learn it fast. I remember your employee profile said you have taken some martial arts training, but I doubt you’ve picked up a sword.


Actually, I have done a bit of sword work, along with knife and crossbow work, said Cameron. There’s a course through the department for detectives like me who have a spark of Power and who might find themselves needing to cross over to an Other land in pursuit of a fugitive. It was just an introductory survey course. It wouldn’t be enough, but it’s a start. My God, I’m really thinking about doing this. Don’t you have enough bodyguards already? Powerful ones? Rune and Aryal, and assorted Vampyres?


Yes, but they all leave after Niniane’s coronation in a week or so, Tiago said. And I can’t stay with her twenty-four/seven. I’ll need to set up my own office when we get to Adriyel and lay the groundwork for developing my own intelligence network. And we have a killer in our group, someone who wants Niniane dead.


Something fell in the closet, and Niniane swore. Tiago raised his voice. “You okay in there, faerie?”


“Yeeeeessss,” Niniane said. She sounded aggravated. “The stupid box just found the top of my head.”


He smiled a little. He said to Cameron, “Don’t take your time. If you don’t do this, I need to find someone who will.”


“I’ll do it,” said Cameron.









Niniane was pleased to see Cameron, but she was all too aware that the other woman’s arrival heralded change that she could no longer avoid. The sunlit intimacy she had shared with Tiago evaporated. She was glad they had managed to prolong their oasis for so much of the day but she still mourned its passing.


After he finished his talk with Cameron, Tiago stuck his head in the closet. “Faerie.”


She sat cross-legged on the floor with the ivory inlaid box on her lap. She fingered the carved wood top. “Yes?”


“Are you all right if Cameron stays with you?” he asked. “I have things I should do. I want to check in with Rune and Aryal.”


She nodded without looking up. “Of course.”


He was silent. Then his boots came into her line of sight. He kneeled and slipped one hand under her chin to coax her face up for his inspection. He gave her a swift hard kiss. “Your endorsement of this idea is less than rousing,” he said. His thumb stroked her bottom lip. “Are you sure?”


She cleared her throat. She told him in a stronger voice, “Yes, I’m sure.” She met his dark searching gaze and gave him a small smile. “I just don’t want our day together to end, but it’s starting to happen in my head anyway. We both have a lot to do before tomorrow’s crossover.”


His expression was determined. “We will make time for ourselves. I’ll not stand for anything else. I am a selfish man and do not intend to go deprived.”


Her smile deepened, became more real. “I’ll hold you to that.”


He tilted his head and nodded to what she held in her lap. “What’s in the box?”


She spread her hands over the top of the box. “Just some memories. I can tell you another time.”


“All right.” He braced his hands on his thighs and leaned forward. “One more for the road.”


She put a hand to his cheek as she kissed him, savoring his clean masculine scent and the sensation of his warm, firm lips moving on hers. Then he stood and strode out. He took much of the day’s light and warmth with him.


After a few minutes she stood, her arms wrapped around the box, and she walked back into the bedroom. Cameron was sorting through the pile of clothes on the bed, folding things into neat stacks. She had already sorted the lingerie. It sat on the end of the bed with the saucy marabou-trimmed shoes perched on top of the pile.


“You don’t have to do that,” Niniane said.


Cameron grinned. “Are you kidding? This is a blast. Your wardrobe is like going on a whirlwind shopping spree of the major couture houses.”


“I know, I indulge too much.” Niniane bit her lip. “Shopping is a stress response for me.”


Cameron shrugged. “If you have the kind of budget that can support your habit, who cares?”


“I was listening to your conversation with Tiago,” said Niniane. “I’m thrilled you’re taking the job.”


“Great,” said Cameron. “I was just wondering if I should have run it by you before accepting. I’ll need to email my notice to my supervisor and arrange with my brother to put my things in storage. But I can go out later to do that. Right now, what do you need?”