Storm Siren

He slides a cold finger up my arm. “Tsk, tsk. It wasssn’t an invitation, love.”



My feet trip over each other to keep the rest of me upright as he clamps one hand on my waist and the other over my owner circles and presses me to the dance floor. I’d slap him if I didn’t think he’d out my Elemental status here and now to the king. Instead I step on his foot, hard, just as I catch Adora’s scathing glare that’s challenging me as to why I’m not cowering against the wall like a squashed fly.


Then Lord Myles is in my face. “You know, I think anger is an excellent attribute on you. You’re practically glowing.” He spins me close. “Perhaps I’ll infuriate you more and see what sparksss we set off together, hmm?”


I frown. “My sparks get violent.”


“That’s exactly what I’m hoping.” He pushes me out and twirls me until I’m dizzy, with only his fingers gripping mine, and in that moment Eogan is there. Stiff. Glacial. Watching us from the sideline. Then I’m back in Myles’s arms, inches from his perfect teeth. “I believe you wanted to ask me something?”


“What do you know of Lady Isobel?”


“Such boldness. Let me guesss—jealous of her beauty? Because, in point of fact, it’s her political cunning that will take her far.”


I ignore his slight and try to keep my eyes from Eogan and Adora, both of whom I can feel staring at my back. “But what’s she really here for? And what can she do as a Mortisfaire?”


“Ah. I see.” He keeps his hand on my waist and glides us around another couple. “Those, my dear, are the golden-egged questions, aren’t they? Look around—everyone’s dying to find out and yet terrified. So consider it an honor I happen to know more than them, and that I’ve, thus far, allowed you to live long enough to ask. Simply put, she’s here to offer the help of the Dark Army she’s been putting together right under Bron’s nose. As far as being a Mortisfaire, I’m certain you’ve heard she’s a descendant on her mother’s side of that particular Uathúil lineage. A certain sect of maidens able to kill a person by turning his heart to stone. Very intriguing. And quite useful.”


A shiver skitters down my spine. “How does she do it?”


“A whispered word, I’m told.”


“So even you admit she’s dangerous. And King Sedric thinks it’s wise accepting her offer of an army supposedly made of monsters?”


“My dear girl, wars are won by taking risksss. And monsters? Where do you get your information?”


“So you admire her, and King Sedric interacts with her. A little ironic considering your intolerance for Elementals, don’t you think?”


“Perhaps because Elementals are rumored to be the more dangerous. But tell me, is that a confessssion I hear? An official admission that you are, in fact, an Elemental?”


I clear my throat and try to keep my voice steady. “I’d like to know when and where the Bron airships will strike.”


He startles a second before breaking into laughter. “What makes you think I know?”


“You’re spying for them. I trust you’ve got your own backside covered enough to avoid the explosion areas. Like the High Court or Castle, for instance—when do they plan to hit those?”


“Oh my dear, what incredible spunk you have. It’s a shame you’re working with Eogan. But for amusement’s sake—because truly, you do amuse me—let’s sssay I knew.” He twirls me beneath his arm until I’m an awkward mess of arms and legs. “Why in Faelen would I tell you?”


“To spare unnecessary deaths. To recant your patheticness before I tell Adora.”


“Let’s see . . . the first does nothing for me. And the second will only get your boy over there killed. Speaking of which, he seems quite interested in usss this evening. Shall we give him something to wonder about?”


“Leave him out—”


His icy lips press over mine in a slippery kiss. But before I can push him away, he’s already grabbed my wrist and whirled me in the direction of Eogan. Then reels me back in with a smug expression aimed at the trainer.


“Are you trying to set me off?” I say furiously. “And I swear if you so much as touch Eogan, a hail of—”


“How perfectly delightful it would be to set you off,” he whispers, and a mental image emerges of the two of us standing side by side, crowned and robed, beneath a lightning storm raining destruction on all five kingdoms. He smiles. “Imagine the fun we’d have together. And Eogan knows it. Just look at how he’s watching usss. So cold. So callous. Disapproving of such brazen fraternizing between an old student and a new.” He shakes his head and sighs. “Once a trainer, always a trainer.”


I start in shock.


“That’s right. Didn’t he tell you? I was his first and most powerful pupil. Until we parted ways many yearsss ago. Then you came along.” He runs an icy finger down my cheek. “I wonder . . . are you more powerful than me?”


Mary Weber's books