Spark Rising

The Senior Ward nodded and hurried over to Lee and the boy. As soon as Lee looked up and saw them waiting, he nodded to the other Ward, rising and walking to them. Lee tugged on the bottom fold of his shirt to pull any wrinkles out. His face moved from nervous to become a study in cool indifference. The kid had potential.


“Councilor Five,” Lee greeted Thomas with a salute then turned to Alex with the typical confusion from students when having to greet him, “And, uh, Sir? Reyes?” Alex had refused both a title in the Zone and a rank in the Ward School. Everyone who mattered knew his importance, both to the Zone, to Thomas, and to the overall plan to elevate the Sparks. He was perfectly content to allow anyone else to think he was a Senior Agent like any other. He had what he needed, and prestige wasn’t part of it.


He chuckled. “I’m not a knight. Alex or Agent Reyes will do fine.”


“Yes, sir.” Lee answered gravely.


“Are you ready, Ward Lee?” Thomas was all business, his voice crisp and dry. “Your assignment has arrived. Time for you to meet her.”


Lee’s assignment? Alex raised his brows at Thomas. He understood now. Thom intended the kid to be a companion with hopes he could become a confidante. Alex appraised the young man. Young, good-looking as young men went, soft spoken and earnest. Perhaps Thomas even intended for more to develop. He wouldn’t put it past his friend—he did consider her their “Eve,” after all, and Alex could see the wide Spark aura around Lee hinting at his strength.


It’ll never happen. He shook his head to himself as the three of them set off through the halls. The kid had potential and might be an excellent student and future agent, but he wasn’t the same caliber as Lena. He made a mental note to talk to Thomas about the details of his Plan B. He told himself he didn’t have any real opinion either way. He didn’t have to have one. She would eat Lee alive.


If they wanted her, and any children she might have, to be stable, she needed a stronger and more experienced partner. It wasn’t personal. It was just the smartest decision.


He took the lead as they neared her room. He keyed the lock just before he knocked, and waited several moments after it had popped open. She never called out, so he took a breath and slipped inside, waving his hand at the other two men to wait. Leaving the door ajar, he entered a few feet.


Lena sat on the edge of the bed facing him, watching warily.


Alex stopped and lifted his hands to his hips. “Any better?”


She sighed. “Not particularly, but I suppose I owe you an apology anyway.”


“An apology?”


“For overreacting?”


He snorted. “That would be great. But I wasn’t really expecting it from you.” Alex winced internally. He’d tried for humor, and it had come out all wrong. She reacted about as expected.


He met a suddenly icy stare.


“About as much as I’d expect you to wait for me to actually let you in, I imagine.” Her sarcastic voice was as hostile as her expression.


And here we go again.


“I did warn you that I was coming in. I did knock first.”


“And what if I had been undressed?”


He sighed. “Then I would have seen you naked twice, I suppose.”


She crossed her arms, eyes narrowed and fists clenched. “You know what? I take it back.”


“You take what back?”


“My apology. I didn’t overreact. You’re just a jerk.”


“You’re taking back your theoretical apology?”




He nodded once. “Duly noted. But try to remember which jerk saved your life.”


“After you placed it in danger in the first place.” If she narrowed her eyes any more, they’d be closed. “Was there a purpose to this invasion?”


“There is, actually. I came to introduce you to my partner, and to your companion. Try to be nice to them.”


Thomas pushed the door open fully and walked a foot into the room. His gaze moved back and forth between them. Two sets of eyes swiveled to him. Her anger still simmered.


“Come on in,” Alex deadpanned. “The water’s fine, really.”


Thomas’s lips twitched with amusement as he approached her and cautiously offered his hand. “Miss Gracey, I’m Thomas Washington, Councilor Five. I run the school. I’ve waited a long time to meet you.”


As soon as the words ‘Councilor Five’ were out of his mouth, Lena jerked her hand back. She darted a look at Alex. “Councilor Five? But…. The Ward School is supposed to be independent of the Zones?”


She didn’t like being at the Ward School. He imagined she liked it even less now that there was a Councilor involved.


Alex couldn’t tell from his vantage point, but he imagined Thomas smiled at her. The look on her face was not reassurance. If anything, she’d just become even more suspicious.


“It is, yes.” Thomas told her. “For the intents and purposes of the Council of Nine, the Ward School is independent of the Zones. But, as I’m sure you can guess by now, there’s more going on here than just the school, and I am more than a Councilor. This is merely a convenient and temporary role used to conduct Zone Five’s business while I take care of our other concerns.”


Alex cleared his throat and ushered Lee in.


Kate Corcino's books