Soul Screamers, Volume 1

I focused on my wail, on holding most of it back, to distract myself from the pain that now pierced my right shoulder and was inching its way down my arm. Nash brought the soul steadily closer to Regan, and in a sudden moment of comprehension, Addison pushed her sister toward the bobbing soul, to make Nash’s work easier.

My heart beat harder in anticipation. The rush of adrenaline through my veins tried to overwhelm the pain in my bones. Any second, Regan and her soul would be reunited. We could claim success on the part of at least one Page sister.

We couldn’t help Addy—she’d made her own choice—but we’d done what we could.

Nash’s sudden wide-eyed, horrified expression was the first sign that something had gone wrong. “It doesn’t fit!” he breathed, and I wasn’t sure whether I’d actually heard him or read his lips. “It’s not hers!”

Suddenly the hellion’s unprecedented agreeableness and his amused expression made sense, and we all seemed to draw the same conclusion at once: Avari had tricked us.

He’d released Addison’s soul instead of Regan’s.

Chapter 20

“No!” Addison shouted, her voice strong and shrill, powered by a singer’s trained lungs. Which I could have used in that moment, as my muffled keening thinned. But her protest meant nothing to Avari.

“This is my offer,” he said, softer than before, yet still his words sent cold, ethereal fingers over my flesh, making my goose-pimpled skin crawl. “The choice is yours.”

“Nooo.” Addison moaned that time. “No. Take me. You said you’d take my soul.”

Avari shook his head slowly, a cruel teacher scolding a naive student. “You misinterpreted my words. That happens more than you might think.”

As my wail wavered, my mind raced while I tried to remember everything the hellion had said. Had he actually said he’d trade Regan’s soul for Bana’s? Or just a soul? I couldn’t remember....

“Choose.” Avari clucked his tongue at Addison. “Your friends cannot hold your soul forever. Not with this one near death.” The demon’s gaze met mine, and suddenly his cruel truth sank in. I was dying. The poison had spread to my right hand, and now flowed over my left side on its way to my heart. I couldn’t hold Addy’s soul for long.

My gaze pleaded with her as I struggled to keep the sound steady in my throat.

Addison’s eyes watered and she glanced from me to Regan, who stood frozen in terror, clenching her sister’s hand so hard it had turned purple. Then her gaze swung my way, and she focused on something over my shoulder. And I thought I saw some glimmer of hope in her grotesquely blank eyes.

Was that possible? Had she thought of something?

Addy turned to Tod and mouthed something I couldn’t interpret.

I was next, and what she said silently to me was “One more minute. Please.” I closed my eyes briefly, then opened them and nodded. I would hold on, for just a little longer.

Addison smiled her thanks, then she nodded decisively, again looking over my shoulder.

An instant later, Addy collapsed. Her legs simply folded under her and her head smacked the frosted marble floor. Not that it mattered. She was dead before she hit the ground.

“No!” Regan shouted, tears pouring down her cheeks. She lurched toward her sister, but Tod held her back, wrapping his arms around her shoulders to keep her still.

Surprise dried up the trickle of sound flowing from my throat, and Addy’s soul bobbed, until I keened again a second later. Then things got even weirder.

A figure stepped forward from behind me and to my right, her mouth open, already sucking in a long, thick stream of Demon’s Breath from Addy’s still form.

Libby. My heart ached as I realized Addison had seen her over my shoulder. She’d nodded to Libby, not to me.

Then Tod spoke, Regan now sobbing on his shoulder, and I began to put the pieces together. “The deal has changed, Avari. If you want Bana’s soul, you take Addison’s with it and return her sister’s. Or else, we’ll leave with both of the souls in our possession, and you’ll keep only the one you have now.”

Damn. Shock wound through me, blending with the pain now arcing across every nerve ending in my body. Somehow, Addison had known who Libby was and why she’d come. Had Tod told her, or did understanding simply come in the last moments of her life?

Either way, with a single nod of her head, Addison had asked Libby to end her life, to force the hellion into trading her soul for Regan’s. Because Addison’s was ready to reap now, and Regan’s wouldn’t truly be his until she died, likely decades later.

Avari’s face paled with rage, and the void in his eyes seemed to churn, though I could detect no motion when I looked directly into those dark spheres.

“Five seconds, or you’re out of luck,” Tod said as Nash continued to sweat, and my voice warbled. “We’re in a bit of a rush.” He gestured to me, and I realized he planned to get me home before I died. He was trying to save me, since he couldn’t save Addison.

All I could do was sing. And watch Libby claim the Demon’s Breath. And wait.