Soul Scorched

She was under no illusions. Once she left Dreagan, she would never return. No matter what. She was putting Dreagan, Warrick, and her growing affections behind her.


Nor was she idiotic enough to help Ulrik further. Oh, she would attempt to help him, but she wouldn’t actually do it. Eventually, she would be able to return to Skye once Ulrik realized she couldn’t unbind the last of his magic.


Darcy reveled in Warrick’s hand on hers. For a few short moments. Then she stood and told them to take her to Ulrik. She was surprised her voice came out as strong as it did. Inside, she was shaking and nervous. And scared.


Warrick’s cobalt gaze narrowed a fraction before he got to his feet to stand beside her. “I’m on your side, Darcy,” he said in a soft voice.


She blinked but didn’t keep eye contact with him. It was too difficult. Besides, she was tired of crying. The sooner she got away from Warrick, the sooner her heart could begin to heal.


“We need to get going,” Thorn said.


Warrick glanced at her feet. “She’s barefoot.”


Darcy walked past the both of them to the door. She opened the door, but Thorn pulled her back so he could exit first. He shot her an annoyed look.


After Thorn had a look around, he motioned them to follow. Warrick stayed beside Darcy the entire time. He shortened his strides while his hand rested on the small of her back. It was both comforting and irritating. She wanted to turn and bury her head in his chest and have his strong arms wrap around her again.


“What happened?” Warrick whispered. “One moment you were smiling, and the next you wouldna look at me.”


She quickened her steps, hating to be exposed. Darcy was happy they were headed toward the woods. They would provide some cover, at least.


“Facts,” she said.


“Facts? I doona understand.”


Darcy glanced at him, and then regretted it when she saw the confusion reflected in his eyes. His blond hair was mussed from constantly running his hands through it. “You’re immortal. I’m mortal. You fight against Ulrik. I unbound his magic. Your place is on Dreagan. Mine isn’t.”


“You didna mind these ‘facts’ when we were making love,” he said tightly.


Darcy’s heart broke a little more. Why did she have to like him so much? Why couldn’t he have kissed badly or had bad breath or something? Why did he have to be so damn perfect for her?


She didn’t get a chance to respond because Warrick grabbed her hand and started running to the woods. He pulled her along, while she struggled to stay on her feet and not face-plant.


Once they reached the woods, Warrick stopped and pulled her against him. He pressed her between his chest and a pine tree.


Darcy peered around him and saw Thorn to their left. He gave Warrick a nod, and they began to make their way quietly through the woods.


There was no more time to talk, no more time to share any last thoughts—or regrets. Darcy held onto Warrick’s hand tightly, wishing there was some way they could be together. There was just too much standing between them.


They moved quickly and quietly, stopping occasionally to listen. Darcy’s feet ached from the cold earth and the many pine needles, pinecones, and other sticky things that poked her feet ruthlessly.


Several times she had to bite her tongue not to cry out. It seemed an eternity later that Thorn and Warrick stopped and Ulrik walked from around a tree.


“I was beginning to think you changed your mind,” Ulrik said to Warrick.


Warrick’s hand tightened on hers. “It wasna my decision to make.”


“You’re really going to let her go?”


Was it just Darcy, or was there a double meaning to Ulrik’s words?


There was a long pause before Warrick said, “For now.”


“He’ll never forgive you for this,” Ulrik told both Warrick and Thorn. “I hope you understand what it means to have Con turn against you.”


Warrick looked down at Darcy. “He’ll never know.”


She hoped for Warrick’s sake that Con never did. But even if Con discovered the truth, she was sure Warrick could take care of himself. He was too strong, too good.


“Be safe,” Warrick said.


Darcy nodded, feeling those damn tears again. “And you.”


“I want you to know th—”


“Warrick,” Thorn interrupted as he looked back the way they had come.


Warrick followed his gaze. “Shite.” He turned to Darcy and released her. “You need to go. Now!”


“Come on,” Ulrik said urgently and grabbed her arm.


Ulrik pulled her after him until Warrick was out of sight. Darcy had thought her heart was heavy before. Now, it felt as if it were weighing her down.


“You shouldna have left him,” Ulrik said.


Darcy jerked her gaze to him. “What?”


“You’re Warrick’s mate. Con wouldna have killed you once Warrick admitted it. He’s made that mistake before.”


“Then why am I here?”


“Because Warrick doesna want to admit you’re his. He’s never wanted a mate.”


Darcy tried to stop, but Ulrik was too strong and kept pulling her after him. “Warrick wouldn’t have let Con touch me.”


“Nay, he wouldna have.”