Soul Scorched

“Some, all. It matters no’,” Con stated.


Fallon glanced at Larena before he looked at Con. “It does. If the worst thing Darcy did was help Ulrik, then you need to find who sent the Dark after her.”


“Do I?” Con asked.


Aisley gave him a dubious look. “You know the Skye Druids put a spell on themselves so they can never harm another with magic or help evil.”


“But there’s no doubt Ulrik is evil,” Phelan argued.


Cara lifted one shoulder. “Apparently there is some doubt, because as soon as she tried to help him, her magic would’ve vanished.” Cara turned her head to Con. “Did you consider that?”


“Of course.” As if he hadn’t considered every possibility.


Larena raised a blond brow. “If Darcy had never unbound Ulrik’s magic, then your Kings wouldn’t have found love.”


“I know.” The spell would still be in place, and Con wouldn’t have to worry about a human betraying them again. “We wouldna be fighting MI5 or the Dark.”


“We wouldna be happy,” said a voice behind him.


Con turned to the side to see Hal, Kiril, Guy, Tristan, Banan, Kellan, Laith, and Rhys. The eight of them radiated fury. But Con didn’t care. They didn’t know what it meant to be responsible for an entire race. They didn’t feel the weight of decisions or the blanket of worry that he could never shed.


They thought him callous and cold. Let them. It was better that they thought the worst of him, because he had long ago realized he would do whatever it took to ensure that the Dragon Kings lived in as much peace as they could.


He wouldn’t be a part of that serenity, but it was a price he would pay for his men.


“It’s the truth,” Con told them. “If this is what it’s like with only some of Ulrik’s magic returned, can you imagine what it’ll be when he has it all? We’ll be fighting the Silvers to keep them locked away while also battling Ulrik, the humans, and the Dark. All of that can be easily stopped.”


“You wouldn’t,” Aisley said in a strangled voice.


Con took a deep breath. “Sacrificing one to save our race? Aye, I certainly would.”










Warrick felt the push in his head from Con, but he decided not to answer. He wanted time alone with Darcy that didn’t involve thinking about the Dark Fae, Ulrik, or her involvement.


He wound an auburn curl around his finger as they lay on their sides facing the fire. Warrick rose up on his elbow and looked down at Darcy.


She turned her head to him and smiled. “I forgot what this feels like.”


“What?” he asked, intrigued.


“To do nothing. To be alone.” She faced the fire again. “We don’t have long, do we?”


“We have as long as you want. We’re still on Dreagan, so you doona need to worry about the Dark.”


“I was talking about Con and the others.”


He paused as he heard Con’s voice in his head call his name again. “I’ll keep them away for as long as I can.”


“Why don’t you see me as they do?” she asked softly. “Why don’t you condemn me? I see how they look at me, how they speak to me. You don’t. Why?”


Warrick swallowed. A few minutes earlier, he’d been ready to declare to the world she was his mate. He wouldn’t deny it now, not even to himself. But that didn’t mean he was ready to tell Darcy or anyone else either.


“Because I know you,” he said.


She snorted and shot him a quick glance. “Not really. We’ve been forced together. I doubt you would’ve been so ready to hear my story otherwise.”


“I’m no’ so sure about that,” he said, recalling how he felt the first time he laid eyes on her. “I would want to know all about you regardless.”


“Don’t be nice. I can’t handle that right now.”


He frowned and rolled her onto her back so he could look down at her. “You think I’m being nice?”


“We just had sex, Warrick. We’re naked in a cottage together. Of course I think you’re being nice.”


“Then you doona know me verra well.” He was hurt by her words. Warrick got to his feet and began to gather their clothes. “I brought you out here to get you away from the manor.”


“Or to get me to trust you more so I might tell you anything I could be keeping secret.”


It was so close to what Con had suggested that Warrick paused and looked at her. “Did it never occur to you that I’m trying to help?”


She sat up and brought her knees to her chest. “Yes. I also remember that Con wanted you to bring me to Dreagan so I could tell him everything I knew about Ulrik.”


“Which you have.”


Darcy looked at the fire and nodded. “Yes.”


Warrick knew she was referring to the fact he hadn’t told her he was initially sent to find out about Ulrik. Of course she would wonder if he was using their connection now.


“I’m no’ here on Con’s order. I’m not with you to get close to see if you know more about Ulrik. I’m here because I want to be.”