Soul Scorched

Because she has been nothing but honest and open from the verra beginning.


“I doona like the idea of it either, War,” Rhys said. “Frankly, I couldna have done it with Lily, but I knew she was my mate.”


Warrick didn’t respond. How could he? He knew Ulrik had to be stopped, but at what cost? The Kings had coexisted with the humans for ages.


It was the mortals who started the first war. Would it be the Kings who began the second with Warrick’s betrayal?


Thorn moved to stand in front of him. “Or is she your mate?”


Warrick could only stare at Thorn. He couldn’t deny that she wasn’t any more than he could admit that she was.


“Ah, hell,” Rhys said.


Behind him, Warrick could hear Con mumble something to Kellan. The two had quick words, but Warrick didn’t pay them any attention. He was too caught up in his thinking of Darcy.


“War,” Kellan called.


He turned to face the others. “I doona want a mate.”


“That doesna matter, my friend,” Rhys said with a sympathetic look. “It happens without any interference from us.”


Kellan rubbed his jaw. “Doona use her then. Talk to Darcy. Get her to understand us and why Ulrik needs to be stopped.”


“She willna do it,” Warrick said. “She’s trying to remain neutral in this fight.”


Con’s lips compressed. “That isna an option.”


“You can no’ force her to choose sides,” Thorn stated to the King of Kings.


Con raised a blond brow. “If she refuses to help us, then she’s taken a side—Ulrik’s.”


Rhys loudly blew out a breath. “Before Ulrik cursed me, I was one who argued that he might no’ be the one pulling the strings. Though I hate to do it, I have to say Con is right in this. Ulrik must be stopped.”


“I know.” Warrick dropped his chin to his chest. “I’ll talk to Darcy. I’ll do my best to convince her that she can no’ unbind any more of Ulrik’s magic.”


Rhys clapped him on the back. “It’s the right thing to do, War. If you need anything, let us know.”


“Why has it been so long since Darcy first unbound Ulrik’s magic and him returning to her?” Thorn asked, confusion marring his features.


Warrick’s head lifted as he looked at Thorn. “It was his choice. He didna return to her in all that time.”


“Do you think she unbound all of it the first time?”


Con shook his head once. “Nay. The Silvers would wake, and Ulrik would come to challenge me. He only has a portion of it back. Of that, I’m sure”


“Enough to use our telepathic link and curse me,” Rhys pointed out.


Warrick frowned as he went through what Darcy had told him about Ulrik. “He wants to kill Con. Why wait so long if he could have all of his magic back?”


“Perhaps Darcy couldna do more,” Kellan said.


Thorn looked at Warrick. “Or whatever Ulrik is planning isna ready yet.”










Ulrik wanted to pay Mikkel a visit and see how close the female Dark was to him, but there were other, more important matters to attend to. Besides, he couldn’t return to Mikkel until he killed Darcy.


It put a definite crimp in his plans. He’d hoped getting her away from Warrick and Thorn for a bit would be all that it would take.


Then the Warriors and Druids arrived. Ulrik chuckled as he recalled how the Druid Laura had looked at him in surprise. He wondered if she remembered how he had paid Charon’s pub a visit and spoke with her. Apparently she did.


Once the Warriors and Druids appeared, Ulrik had to amend his plans. He didn’t stick around Edinburgh. There was no doubt Warrick and Thorn would get away from the Dark. The Dark had the ability to take a Dragon King, but it was not always an easy thing.


Ulrik stood on a mountain taking in the view of Dreagan in the distance. That was his home he had been forced from. Those were his dragons being held within a mountain.


He was so close to having it all that it was almost too much to take in. For so long, his revenge had been nothing more than wishes and dreams.


For five thousand years he’d forged bonds and alliances that grew through each generation. So what if Mikkel had done the same? The difference between them was that Ulrik knew how to reward mortals.


Mikkel simply killed.


The sound of a motor drew closer. Ulrik looked over his shoulder to see an old baby blue BMW slowly pull to a stop. Agonizing moments later, the door opened and an elderly woman climbed out of the car.


Ulrik walked to the parking area and held out his hand to help her down the few steps to the lookout. “How was your drive, Dorothy?”


“Now I know why I don’t leave the city much.” She smiled up at him, her face crinkling in deep wrinkles. “I’m always amazed when I see you. It seems like only yesterday when you visited my father and I saw you that first time.”