Soul Scorched

“Aye. How are you going to get Darcy there?”



Warrick glanced at her and then at the back of her shop. The conservatory with the top of all glass made it easy for him to get a look at the building behind hers. “We’re going up. I’m going to take her on top of the building behind hers.”


“I’ll be waiting. Good luck.”


Warrick was still looking at the building when Darcy came to stand beside him.


“We’re going up that, aren’t we?”


He looked at her and nodded. “I hope you’re no’ afraid of heights.”


“That’s not my issue. It’s the climbing part.”


“You’ll be hanging on to me. I’ll be doing all the work.”


She put her hands on her hips and looked from him to the building. “I like the way you think.”


“Good, because we need to go now. The longer we wait, the more time the Dark have to mount their attack.”


“They’ll see us.”


He glanced behind him to the front. “Aye. They’ll come after us too. I’m hoping to be beneath the city when that happens.”


“Holy crap,” she said and swallowed hard.


Warrick held out his hand. “Do you trust me, Darcy?”


She looked from his hand to his face. Then she put her hand in his and said, “Yes.”




“Warrick!” Thorn’s voice shouted in his head.


She smiled nervously. “Yes.”


“It’s Ulrik!” Thorn bellowed.


Warrick paused and turned to the front of the store at the same time someone stepped on the broken glass.


“Wh—” Darcy started to say.


Warrick put a finger to her lips to silence her. “It’s Ulrik,” he whispered.


Darcy nodded, a frown furrowing her brow.


“Darcy?” Ulrik called from the front. “Tell the Dragon King guarding you that I mean you no harm.”


Warrick wanted to believe him, but he wasn’t sure of anyone anymore.


“He did warn me I was in danger,” Darcy whispered. “It’ll be all right.” She stepped back and said, “Ulrik, we’re in the back.”


Warrick watched as Ulrik walked through the curtains to Darcy’s office area. With the doors open to the conservatory, Ulrik saw them immediately.


“Warrick,” Ulrik said. “I knew Con would send you.”


He bowed his head in greeting to Ulrik. “Is that so?”


“You always did have the cool head. Who’s with you?”


“I’m alone.”


Ulrik smiled, though it didn’t reach his gold eyes. “Now I know you’re lying. There’s always at least two Kings in situations like this. Is it Ryder? Darius? What about Dimitri?”


In that moment, Warrick realized that Ulrik knew it was Thorn with him. “What do you want?”


Ulrik threw him a flat look. “Why else would I be here? You know Darcy. You know what she’s done for me. She’s the one who gave me part of my life back.”


Warrick eyed Ulrik as he walked to the doorway of the conservatory and leaned against the doorjamb. His hands were in his pants’ pockets, his black suit jacket open to reveal a white shirt beneath.


“So you walked through all the Dark?” Warrick asked.


Ulrik shrugged, his gaze shifted to Darcy. “I need her to remain safe.”


“Why didn’t you tell me it was the Dark coming for me?” Darcy asked. “If it hadn’t been for Warrick, I’d have been taken that first night or the second.”


Ulrik’s lips flattened. “Then it’s a good thing Warrick was there.”


Warrick moved closer to Darcy. “Why are you really here?”


“I told you. I’m here to help. I assume you have a plan to get Darcy out?”


Darcy nodded. “He’s taking me to Dreagan.”


“Of course he is,” Ulrik said as he pushed away from the door. “What’s the plan, then?”










Darcy knew Warrick wasn’t particularly happy at Ulrik’s arrival, but she was ecstatic at the extra help. She smiled at Ulrik. “Thank you. We accept your help.”


Warrick tensed beside her. He had his own motives for not trusting Ulrik, but Darcy didn’t share those reasons. In all the time she had known Ulrik, he had done nothing to put her in danger.


In fact, he’d warned her there was something approaching. It didn’t go unnoticed by her that he had yet to explain why he hadn’t told her it was Dark Fae coming for her. She would address that later.


Ulrik eyed Warrick. “Is it the fact that I’m willing to help that has you looking constipated?”


“You forget. I know who you really are,” Warrick said.


“You think you know.”


Darcy got between them and looked at Warrick. “Whatever you think of Ulrik, we need him.”


“It’s no’ a smart move,” Warrick said, never taking his gaze from Ulrik. “He’ll betray you.”


“He needs me.”


“She’s right,” Ulrik said. “She’s the only Druid who can touch dragon magic. Why would I do anything other than save her?”