Snow Crash

There’s something she’s supposed to remember at this point. Something she has to take care of. Something important. One of those dreary duties that always seems so logical when you think about it in the abstract and, at moments like this, seems so utterly beside the point that it never even occurs to you.


It must be something to do with birth control. Or something like that. But Y.T. is helpless with passion, so she has an excuse. So she squirms and kicks her knees until the coverall and her panties have slid down to her ankles.


Raven gets completely naked in about three seconds. He pulls his shirt off over his head and throws it somewhere, bucks out of his pants and kicks them off onto the floor. His skin is as smooth as hers, like the skin of a mammal that swims through the sea, but he feels hot, not cold and fishy. She doesn’t see his cock, but she doesn’t want to, what’s the point, right?


She does something she’s never done before: comes as soon as he goes into her. It’s like a bolt of lightning shoots out from the middle, down the backs of her tensed legs, up her spine, into her nipples, she sucks in air until her whole ribcage is poking out through the skin and then screams it all out. She just rips one. Raven’s probably deaf now. Which is his fucking problem.


She goes limp. So does he. He must have come at the same time. Which is okay. It’s early, and poor Raven was horny as a goat from being out to sea. Later on, she’ll expect more endurance.


Right now, she’s content to lie underneath him and suck the warmth out of his body. She’s been cold for days. Her feet are still cold, hanging out in the air, but that just makes the rest of her feel much better.


Raven seems content, too. Uncharacteristically so. Talk about bliss. Most guys would already be flipping through channels on the TV. Not Raven. He’s content to lie here all night, breathing softly into her neck. As a matter of fact, he’s gone to sleep right on top of her. Like something a woman would do.


She dozes, too. Lies there for a minute or two, all these thoughts going through her head.


This is a pretty nice place. Like a mid-priced business hotel in the Valley. She never figured anything like this existed on the Raft. But there’s rich people and poor people here, too, just like anywhere else.


When they came to a certain place on the walkway, not far from the first of the big Core ships, there was an armed guard blocking the way. He let Raven go on through, and Raven took Y.T. with him, leading her by the hand, and the guard gave her a look but he didn’t say anything, he was keeping most of his attention on Raven.


After that, the walkway got a lot nicer. It was broad, like the boardwalk at the beach, and not quite so crowded with old Chinese ladies carrying gigantic bundles on their backs. And it didn’t smell like shit quite so much.


When they got to the first Core ship, there was a stairway that took them from sea level up to its deck. From there, they took a gangplank across to the innards of another ship, and Raven led her through the place like he’d been through it a million times, and eventually they crossed another gangplank into this containership. And it was just like a fucking hotel in there: bellhops with white gloves carrying luggage for guys in suits, a registration desk, everything. It was still a ship—everything’s made out of steel that has been painted white a million times over—but nothing like what she expected. There’s even a little helipad where the suits can come and go. There’s a chopper parked next to it with a logo she’s seen before: Rife Advanced Research Enterprises. RARE. The people who gave her the envelope to deliver to EBGOC headquarters. All of this is fitting together now: the Feds and L. Bob Rife and the Reverend Wayne’s Pearly Gates and the Raft are all part of the same deal.


“Who the hell are all these people?” she asked Raven when she first saw it. But he just shushed her.


She asked him again later, as they were wandering around looking for their room, and he told her: These guys all work for L. Bob Rife. Programmers and engineers and communications people. Rife’s an important man. Got a monopoly to run.


“Rife’s here?” she asked him. Putting on an act, of course; she had it figured out by that point.


“Ssh,” he said.


It’s a nice piece of intel. Hiro should like it, if she can just get it to him. And even that’s going to be easy. She never thought there’d be Metaverse terminals here on the Raft, but on this ship there’s a whole row of them, so that visiting suits can call back to civilization. All she has to do is get to one without waking up Raven. Which could be tricky. It’s too bad she couldn’t drug him with something, like in the Raft movies.


That’s when the realization comes. It swims up out of her subconscious in the same way that a nightmare does. Or when you leave the house and remember half an hour later that you left a teakettle going on the stove. It’s a cold clammy reality that she can’t do a damn thing about.


She has finally remembered what that nagging thing was that bothered her for a moment, right before the actual moment of fucking.


It was not birth control. It was not a hygiene thing.


It was her dentata. The last line of personal self-defense. Along with Uncle Enzo’s dog tags, the one piece of stuff that the Orthos didn’t take. They didn’t take it because they don’t believe in cavity searches.


Which means that at the moment Raven entered her, a very small hypodermic needle slipped imperceptibly into the engorged frontal vein of his penis, automatically shooting a cocktail of powerful narcotics and depressants into his bloodstream.


Raven’s been harpooned in the place where he least expected it. Now he’s going to sleep for at least four hours.


And then, boy, is he ever going to be pissed.






Chapter Fifty-Three





Hiro remembers Eliot’s warning: Don’t go onto the Raft itself without a local guide. This kid must be a Refu that Bruce Lee recruited from some Filipino neighborhood on the Raft.


The kid’s name is Transubstanciacion. Tranny for short. He climbs into the zodiac before Hiro tells him to.


Neal Stephenson's books