Sins of the Demon

“I haven’t forgotten. But would that stop you?” I challenged.


“Fuck.” He closed his eyes, shook his head. “No.”


“If I work quickly, I might be able to get this shut down before a summoning gets a lock on me.” I moved to the edge of the diagram, glanced back at the two agents. “Here goes.”


I slipped off the cuff and dropped it behind me, then nearly staggered at the force of the energies raging around the diagram. Damn good thing I’d destroyed the focus. I didn’t even want to think how bad it would be if I hadn’t. But as bad as it was, this was—first and foremost—a portal, and all I needed to do was ground it and release the power safely. And that was one of the first things I’d had Rhyzkahl teach me.


Working as quickly as I dared, I set up the power sinks, tied the arcane strands into them, then shunted the energy away from the gate and into the earth where it would dissipate harmlessly. Within heartbeats the raging tempest had wound down to a mild whirlpool, and I could release the breath I was holding.


I spun to retrieve the cuff, but a blast of cold air stopped me as my fingers were millimeters from the cuff. I froze, mind racing. Run. I need to run! I thought in flailing panic. But even as I thought it, I knew there was nowhere I could run to. There were no wards nearby that would shield me from this summoning. And if I put the cuff on now—after the summoning had locked onto me—it would alter the forming of the portal and tear me to shreds. I’d be effectively committing suicide. Mouth dry, I straightened, leaving the cuff on the floor. I guess this is it.


“What are you doing?” Ryan shouted. “Put the cuff back on before it’s too late!”


“It’s already too late,” Zack said, agonized. His eyes met mine. “I’m sorry.”


“It’s all right,” I said, even though it wasn’t all right. Not at all. I was scared shitless, but I couldn’t let them see it. “I knew it was a long shot. But at least I saved the world, right? At least a little piece of it.” I gave a weak laugh, then took a shaking breath. “Take care of my aunt and Jill. And Fuzzykins.”


“We will,” Zack said. “You have my oath.”


The wind swirled around us, and I felt the first cold touch as the tendrils of the portal began to wrap around me. Ryan shot a look at the swirling energies, then stepped to me and seized my face in his hands.


“God damn it. You’d better come back to me. You hear? You fucking come back to me!”


I tried to nod, but it was tough with him holding my head like that. And the big lump in my throat made it tough to speak. He didn’t seem to care, because in the next instant his lips were on mine. This wasn’t some friends-kissing-friends kiss either—this was a full-blown, passion-filled, hungry as hell kiss as if there would never be any more kisses after this one. This was a kiss to tell each other everything we’d danced around for so long, full of fervor and heartache and grief and joy and longing. I clutched him to me, returning it with just as much passion, not breaking it until the arcane tendrils began to tighten and pull. I quickly released him and pushed him away from me. “You…you need to stand back now,” I gasped.


He stepped back reluctantly. “I love you,” he said.


The pull on me was increasing to the point of pain, but I managed a weak smile. “If I say ‘I know’ will you laugh?”


He chuckled. “Nerd.”


The power swirled higher as the portal widened. “I love you too,” I said.


And then the world disappeared.






Chapter 24



I’d been to the demon realm once before. The last time I was here I’d been close to death. I remembered lying on a white marble floor. I remembered it was full of light and wonder. I’d been in the throne room of Rhyzkahl, and it was beautiful. A throne of white and gold. Marble walls and open archways. A turquoise sea and demons in flight.


Diana Rowland's books