Seducing Destiny (The Fae Chronicles, #4)

“For years, I thought it was because he, like many, didn’t like Demons. He wanted the alliance with the Demons, he just didn’t like them. The wings are dangerous, like the Horde King’s are, but not all feathery like his,” he said abruptly. “I used to think he took my mother’s tail because he didn’t want to chance it taking off his cock,” he hooted with laughter as I made a sour face and winced until I caught his eyebrow raised with interest. “I could have done a lot with my tail, you know,” he said suggestively, making me snicker at him. This beautiful creature with a tail would have been dangerous to womankind.

“But years later I met my maternal grandfather when I was acting as an emissary with Ryder. I got to meet my mother’s people,” he looked sad as he mentioned them, but he kept going. “I found out then that losing the trademarks of what makes a Demon is considered a shame to them. Someone to be pitied,” he spat angrily. “It’s one of the reasons my mother didn’t want to return to her family when Ryder released the women from the pavilion,” he took a long, deep breath and continued. “Anyhow, it was a time long ago and nothing can be done about it. There are worse things he could have done to us, but he chose to take what marked us as something other than what he wanted us to be. Fae,” he said gutturally.

“Like what?” I asked wondering what the hell could be worse than to take away what had marked him a Demon. He looked at me for a few moments and nodded, as if accepting something.

“I’ll show you. Someone you should have met already, I think; it’s about time you do anyway.” He pulled my hand with purpose as he walked us down the long hallway in the direction of the pavilion.

We entered the woman’s pavilion and he didn’t stop until we stood in front of a door with no name on it or people around it. Inside, I could hear the faint moaning and cries from a woman. “Who is it?” I asked as a shiver ran up my spine.

“Kiera; she’s Ryder’s mother.”

I pulled my hand away from his. “I thought she was mental,” I mumbled as he ignored me and opened the door.

Kiera was on the bed, chained to it. She had golden eyes, and wild, midnight hair like Ryder’s. There was a wild look in her eyes, as if she’d been tortured and had endured unimaginable pain. I swallowed

“Kiera, this is Synthia Raine, the mother to your grandchildren,” Ristan said, and she turned those unseeing eyes to me. They lowered to my growing midsection with a look of disdain.

“Horde King’s bastards,” she mumbled. “Kill them,” she whimpered as a single tear slid from her eyes.

“She and Ryder are happy, and welcome their children,” Ristan said as he placed a hand on my swollen womb. “Twins, Kiera. She’s given him twins to heal the world. To undo what Alazander has done.”

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Ryder growled from the doorway.

“My son,” Kiera said with a vacant look as she turned to Ryder’s voice. “My beautiful, little boy,” she cried, a gentle sob escaping her lips.

I felt as if I was intruding as Ryder walked in and placed his hand in her outstretched one. “Mother,” he whispered as he lowered his mouth to kiss her palm—as he often did with mine.

“You made a life,” she accused. “To secure the line, one that will end us,” she whispered brokenly.

“I chose a mate, one who can help me to bring forth the prophecy to heal the lands,” he said in a calming tone as he went to his knees at the side of the bed. Her chains sounded as she turned to look at him. “The beast chose her and planted his seed in her womb, mother.”

Talk about medieval talk! Seed, womb, all we needed now was a knight to walk in, rattling his shield and chest plate.

“Beasts,” she whispered as her eyes looked over to me. “And she lived.”

“She’s his mate, in every way.”

Ryder and I both turned to look at Ristan, who had spoken softly behind us.

“Impossible,” she screeched, which caused the babes to move deep in my stomach. I felt a sharp pain and cried out, which sent Ryder into overdrive as he moved to me and lifted me in his arms.

“Get Eliran, and I swear, Ristan, if they come to harm for this…” He let his threat go unsaid.

Chapter Three

I was in a nightgown and resting in my bed when Danu showed up. She was dressed in black leather pants with a tight ruby red halter top. “Sorry about that, Synthia. You carry my grandchildren, so we will have to be more careful moving forward,” she said thoughtfully.

“Thanks for the reminder, but it wasn’t like I walked in there expecting the poor woman to take me for a ride through crazy town.” I’d mumbled it and knew she was going into another lecture as her eyes flew back to me.

“I’m serious. You may have my blood and the Fae’s, but Fae women and infants can die in childbirth—and they do, a lot more now than they once did.”

“Is that why you came?” I asked with more attitude than was necessary.

“I came because you’re my daughter and I needed to know you were all right. You need to worry about yourself, Synthia. Besides, I asked Ristan to show you Ryder’s mother. I thought you might be able to reach her where I had failed to, but it’s apparent now that she’s a lost cause.”