Safe at Last (Slow Burn #3)

“Anna-Grace,” Wade hissed, making a grab for her. “What the hell are you doing? You go nowhere without our say-so.”

But Anna-Grace paid him no heed and picked up her pace, determined to get close enough to the warehouse, though she did keep to the shadows, avoiding the few places where light would expose her. The others had no choice but to follow or leave her without protection. Though she could feel their disgruntlement, even as they surrounded her protectively, leaving no part of her vulnerable, they didn’t order her to keep back, unlike Wade. Perhaps they picked up on her urgency because every single DSS agent was staring sharply at her, waiting for her to tell them what she was picking up on.

And then, like before, she stopped. She halted so quickly, Capshaw ran into her back, and with a muttered curse he made a grab for her so she didn’t topple forward. But she ignored him, her mouth widening in horror. She tried to speak, but nothing would come out. She slapped a hand over her mouth to stanch the silent cry. She stared at the ominous-looking building—hell—in horror.

“We’ve got to get in there. Now,” she hissed, her entire body shaking. Even her teeth chattered, sounding too loud. “They’re going to kill her. She’s been of no use to them. They’re even angrier than before because a ‘mere’ woman wouldn’t give in, no matter what they did to her. They couldn’t break her so now they’re going to kill her and send her body to DSS in pieces. They feel they’re wasting their time and should pursue an easier, more vulnerable target.”

Dane’s expression became murderous, unbreakable and unforgiving. It was an expression that promised retribution. And it was echoed by every one of Eliza’s teammates.

“Of course she wouldn’t break,” Caleb said in a soft voice that hinted of pain and guilt. “She’s one of the toughest women I know. And she’s loyal to her bones. She would never sell out her team, even if meant dying in the process.”

Just hearing those words—a confirmation of what Anna-Grace had already discerned on her own—sent panic shuddering through her body. Her airway constricted to the point of pain and light wheezing noises emanated from her flared nostrils.

It was Ari who jumped to the forefront, leaving Beau scrambling to catch up, swearing the entire way. Anna-Grace took off just as quickly, close on their heels. Her heart was beating so fast that she was light-headed and disoriented, but she couldn’t afford to hold the others back. Not when Eliza had so little time remaining.

Wade and Isaac both quickly caught up to Gracie, flanking her, guns drawn, their eyes constantly darting back and forth, looking for any movement, any possible way to pinpoint her location within the huge, sagging building.

It was startling to see Wade carrying a gun. How easily he fell in with the other operatives, though it shouldn’t have surprised her. She already knew there was a lot more to him than his polished exterior.

Caleb pulled Ramie back with him, putting her behind him and Capshaw. But there was still a keen sense of unease between the men. It was killing them to put the women they loved at risk for even one moment.

It made her suddenly feel an outsider to something so very precious and all consuming. The memory of when she had that with Zack. And how she’d lost it all. Her dreams. Her passion for life.

But right now she’d give anything for him to be here, because with all of DSS’s resources focused on bringing Eliza home—alive—she now knew in her heart that he simply wasn’t capable of doing what was done twelve years ago. Was she crazy for even contemplating forgiveness so they could both move on, live their lives and try to find the kind of happiness they once shared?

She wanted Zack with her, because every time they were together she felt that nothing could ever touch her, or hurt her, or ever bring her down. Because he loved her. He could have had any girl he wanted with the snap of his fingers and yet he’d chosen a girl four years younger than him and it was like . . . magic. When you see that one special person who you know has just altered your entire destiny.

And then to find out she’d been completely wrong about the man she loved, the man she planned to marry and spend the rest of her life with, the man who’d discussed with her a desire for a large brood of children, at least six, and Anna-Grace couldn’t have been happier on that day.

Because for the first time she’d truly seen a future with Zack. Not just one of dating, passing the time, doing menial and mundane things. No longer did she worry that when he was drafted into the pros she would be left behind. At that time, it had been understood—taken for granted—that their fates were intertwined. Unbreakable, endless, eternal. For all time.

Maya Banks's books