Safe at Last (Slow Burn #3)

He got into Stuart’s face and grabbed his shirt, fisting the material and hauling him up until they were nose-to-nose.

“You’re going to tell me every goddamn detail. You’re going to tell me why the fuck the three of you thought the entire time you were raping Gracie that I had put you up to it and how the hell you knew Gracie could read minds. Because this was a complete setup. It’s too pat. Too coincidental. You set it up so Gracie would think I set you loose on her to get rid of her and make her think I was done with her. Why would you do something like that? Did you hate me that much? Did you resent that I had a great girl and a future in the pros? What the hell is wrong with you?”

Stuart’s face was haggard, and already swollen, bruises rapidly forming from the punches Zack had landed.

“It’s fucked-up, man. You have no idea how fucked-up.”

Zack shoved him back, releasing his hold on Stuart’s shirt. Stuart landed with a thud against the back of the couch, his head snapping back and then forward.

“Then how about you clue me in,” Zack growled.

“It was your old man,” Stuart muttered. “Jesus Christ. He was fucking obsessed with getting rid of Gracie.”

Zack went stock-still, his knees locking painfully as shock splintered up his spine. He shook his head, certain he hadn’t heard correctly. Then he advanced on Stuart, ready to beat the ever loving fuck out of him for coming up with such a lame-ass, trumped-up excuse to divert responsibility from himself.

Stuart put up his hands to ward Zack off and began talking fast.

“Listen, Zack. Just give me a minute to explain, okay? I have no reason to lie to you, for fuck’s sake. I’m guilty. Guilty as hell. But I’m not lying to you about your old man. If you’d just give me a chance to explain, I’ll tell you the whole twisted story.”

“So help me God, if you’re fucking with me, I’ll twist your balls off and shove them down your throat,” Zack said in a dangerous low tone.

Stuart was visibly agitated. Pale, jittering like a junky in withdrawal and sweating profusely. He nervously licked his lips and his eyes were wild and unfocused.

“He was pissed that you were so obsessed with trailer park trash—his words not mine. He saw you as his ticket to easy street. He had it all planned out. He was going to convince you to let him act as your agent and manager and when you went to the pros he was going to retire as chief of police and live it up. Off your money and fame. When Gracie came along, your focus shifted entirely, and you were only concerned with her, your future with her, and suddenly your father found himself on the outside looking in.”

So far Zack could see exactly what Stuart was saying. It certainly matched up with his father’s actions and words. But to suggest he had something to do with Gracie’s rape? No matter his faults, he was still an officer of the law. Being an asshole wasn’t against the law, and his father was a straight arrow when it came to the law.

“He became increasingly agitated and honest to God he went off the rails. He started asking me, Bryan and Kevin all kinds of questions. Wanted to know if you and Gracie ever fought. If Gracie was manipulating you. If you ever talked about breaking up with her. And when we told him you were absolutely serious about her, he lost it.

“And then, Jesus, he told us some crazy shit. About how Gracie could read minds but it was some big fucking secret and that you and she didn’t know he knew. He overheard you talking to Gracie on the phone or some shit like that. And he came up with this insane plan.”

The blood leached from Zack’s face and a knot formed in his stomach that felt like a giant bolder. No way. It was too . . . crazy. So far-fetched no one would ever believe this crap.

“He told us that she’d cut off your balls and was leading you around by the dick. That you hadn’t even made it with her because she was holding out for marriage. Said she was manipulating you and trapping you into marriage. Hell, he was so convincing with examples—examples that we had all witnessed—and we began to wonder if he was right. And then?. . .”

Stuart closed his eyes and covered his face with his hands.

“Then what?” Zack said harshly, though he knew, goddamn it. He knew and he was sick to his soul. But he had to hear it. Had to hear it said aloud. Had to hear what a complete twisted bastard his father was.

“Then he set us up and he blackmailed us,” Stuart said bleakly.

“How?” Zack snapped.

Maya Banks's books