Rocky Mountain Miracle

“Exactly what I want to do,” she said, and wrapped her fingers around his erection.

A groan exploded from his throat. He’d had too many erotic dreams of Maia in his bed, his hands on her satin skin. “You’d better know this is what you really want,” he warned. Because he wanted her more than he wanted the sun to come up in the morning.

“I always know what I want.” Her breath was warm and moist, and his heart stopped beating for one moment, then began to slam with alarming force in his chest. She did the same delicate licking that had driven him wild. Now it was beyond his imagination. He was going to implode if she didn’t stop. Just when he was certain he couldn’t take it anymore, her mouth closed over him, tight and hot and moist, drawing the relentless ache to a fever pitch.

His hands fisted in her hair, his hips coming off the sheets, thrusting in a rhythmic slide. He swore, the words tumbling out in an animalistic growl. His control was nearly shattered. His muscles clenched so tight he thought his jaw would break.

Maia lifted her head and smiled at him, satisfaction evident. “Are you thinking of me yet? Of my body? Because I want you to know who’s in bed with you.”

“I know damned well who I’m with, Maia.” He pushed her backward until she tumbled onto the bed, her legs sprawled, her body open to him. “I know exactly who you are. I feel like I’ve waited a lifetime for you.”

His hands pressed into her hips, locking her there, pushing her thighs wider apart for him. “Every time I look at you, I think about what I’d really like to be doing. I want to feel you coming apart for me, Maia.”

Before she could respond, he lowered his head as he brought her hips to him. His tongue slid over her heated center, teased and tasted before probing deeply. Maia writhed beneath his hungry mouth, bunching the sheet in her fists, sounds she couldn’t prevent escaping, which only fed his voracious need to show her she belonged with him. He didn’t have the words, so he used his body to prove it to her. His tongue stroked and thrust and cleverly pulsed until she was consumed with wave after wave of orgasm ripping through her. He sank his fingers deep, and she exploded again, crying out his name.

Cole lifted his head, kissed his way up her body to the underside of her breasts. The cool air was nearly Maia’s undoing after his hot mouth. She ached, and still the pressure was relentless in spite of her orgasms.

“What are you doing?” she demanded.

“Making sure you know who you’re in bed with. I don’t want you ever to be satisfied with any other man.” His teeth scraped back and forth on the sensitive flesh. Tiny little bites that drove her insane. “I want you to belong to me. All of you, Maia, not just your body.” His mouth closed over her breast, tongue flicking her nipple, teeth teasing until she couldn’t tell if the pleasure was so great it was painful.

He rose over her, pushing against her entrance, so that her body, so slick and hot reacted with a slow giving of way for his penetration. He paused for one slight moment, their mingled breathing the only sound, and then he thrust hard, driving the full length of him as deep into her as he could go. He discovered he loved her cries as much as her laugh. He thrust again, over and over, hard and fast, long, deep strokes, driving her higher and higher until she was clutching at his forearms, crying his name.

Sensation after sensation rocked her body, heat seared her until she thought she would have to scream for him to relieve the terrible ache. More. She wanted more. Everything he had, everything he was. She gave herself up to him, surrendering completely, her hips rising to meet the brutal thrust of his, every bit as hard, desperate for him to fill up every empty space.

“Maia, you’re so damned tight,” Cole’s voice was husky, the words torn from his rigid throat. “Hot and tight and dammit all, you belong to me. Like this, baby, just like this.” He plunged into her again and again, groaning with pleasure as her muscles pulsed and throbbed around him even more. Until her control was shattered and she burst into fragments, her body convulsing around his, tightening and squeezing and milking him dry so that he called her name aloud, his voice rough with sensuality.

Maia stared up into his face. The harsh lines were gone, the horror of his nightmares replaced with satisfaction. He looked like a well-sated lover, his body relaxed and his piercing blue eyes soft with contentment.