Rides a Dread Legion (Demonwar Saga Book 1)

As the demon took a step towards the Oracle’s dragon form, a searing hot band of energy lashed out at it, wrapping around the demon’s torso like a lasso. Evil-smelling black smoke erupted where it touched the creature’s skin.


The demon towered over everyone in the cavern, save for the Oracle. It had scales like a lizard or serpent, mottled red and violet. Its shoulders were massive and the creature’s arms ended in huge black talons; its ape-like face wore a mask of hatred and rage. It let forth with a roar that caused the walls of the cavern to shake, loosening soil that rained down on everyone.


Huge fangs protruded down from an exaggerated upper lip, and the demon’s head was adorned with two long black horns tapering backwards, like those of an antelope. It shook its head in frustration and howled in outrage at being confined and injured.


Pug had limited experience with demons, and all of it bad. He did not hesitate to follow his confinement spell with the most powerful assault he could muster.


Tendrils of flaming white and purple energy shot forward, waving like the tentacles of a squid as they latched on to the creature’s body. As each touched the demon’s hide more acrid black smoke was released and a tiny flame of dull orange shot upwards.


The demon trembled as it fought against its confinement, then howled again in outrage and burst the binding spell. The shock that reverberated back through the tether struck Pug’s mind like a physical blow.


The Oracle’s mystic powers were nothing like the battle magic the greater dragons of Midkemia possessed, but she was still a force to fear. She lashed out with claws and teeth, sinking them deep into the demon’s shoulder at its neck. Fountains of steaming black blood erupted and flowed down its back and chest as it lashed out over its shoulder with the opposite claw, raking her muzzle, aiming to blind her.


Pug recovered from the shock of the magical backlash and sent out a spear of energy. This was one he had never employed before save in practice in an isolated part of his island.


The invisible energy filled the cavern with a hissing noise, counterpoint to the shouts and screams of the Oracle’s companions as they hurled themselves at the demon.


They were not without their own magic and strength, and although the first companion to reach the demon was eviscerated with one claw, the next two were able to cause some injury. The dragon’s maw held fast on the creature’s shoulder, while Pug and the companions inflicted as much damage as possible.


The invisible energy spear struck the demon full in the chest; it stiffened, as if it had been run through by cold iron. The creature’s mouth moved, and Pug suspected it was attempting some type of incantation. But the spell was too much for it; its eyes rolled up into its skull and the demon fell limp.


For a moment the Oracle held fast to the creature, now as limp as a child’s doll, then it released its hold. Pug saw gashes in the dragon’s snout, blood flowed freely to drip upon the still carcass, but the wounds looked relatively trivial.


‘Stand back!’ instructed Pug as the Oracle’s companions continued to attack the fallen demon. ‘Back!’ he commanded as calm returned to the room.


As he anticipated, the demon’s body began to smoke and smoulder and then a sudden flash of crimson flame, gone almost as soon as it was perceived. A stench of brimstone and putrefaction filled their nostrils and several of the remaining companions fell back, physically repelled by the odour.


Pug turned towards the towering form of the Oracle of Aal and asked, ‘You wanted to see me?’




Over the years Pug and the Oracle of Aal had forged a trusting relationship, though Pug had never been convinced their aims were always the same. The Oracle, despite appearing as a mighty dragon, was more alien to the world of Midkemia than any creature he had ever encountered.


The Aal were rumoured to be the oldest life forms in the universe; no other race could trace their lineage back as far. Even the Dragon Lords at the height of their power gave the Aal a wide berth and left them in peace.


When Pug had first encountered them, they were a doomed race, as the world upon which they resided was nearing the end of its long life. He had offered those who remained safe passage to Midkemia, and through a series of circumstances the Oracle had found a host in the mindless body of Midkemia’s single greatest creature: a golden dragon.


Her companions found willing hosts among men and women of diverse backgrounds. They were sought over the years by arcane arts that even Pug didn’t understand, and offered the unique chance to hold a place in this world, as a servant and companion to the Oracle.


Raymond E. Feist's books