Queen of Sorcery

"The Alorns and the Sendars are getting ready for war," Wolf replied. "The Arends have promised aid, and Ran Borune has been advised, though he didn't make any promises. The Borunes can be difficult at times." He glanced at the pouting Ce'Nedra.


"Then it means war?" the queen asked sadly.


"I'm afraid so, Xantha," he said. "I'm pursuing Zedar with these others, and I hope we can catch him and get the Orb back before he can reach Torak with it. If we're successful, I think the Angaraks will attack the West anyway out of desperation. Certain ancient prophecies are getting close to their fulfillment. There are signs everywhere, and even the twisted perceptions of the Grolims can read them."


The Queen sighed. "I've seen some of the signs myself, Belgarath," she said. "I'd hoped I was wrong. What does this Zedar look like?"


"A great deal like me," Wolf told her. "We served the same Master for a very long time, and that puts a certain mark on people."


"Someone like that passed through the upper reaches of our Wood last week and crossed over into Nyissa," Xantha said. "If we'd known, we might have been able to detain him."


"We're closer than I thought, then. Was he alone?"


"No," Xantha reported. "He had two of the servants of Torak with him and a small boy."


Wolf looked startled. "A boy?"


"Yes-about six years old or so."


The old man frowned, and then his eyes opened very wide. "So that's how he did it," he exclaimed. "I never thought of that."


"We can show you where he crossed the river into Nyissa," the queen offered. "I should warn you though that it's going to be dangerous for so large a party to go there. Salmissra has eyes everywhere in those swamps."


"I've already made plans for that," Mister Wolf assured her. He turned to Barak. "Are you sure that ship's going to be waiting at the mouth of the River of the Woods?" he asked.


"She'll be there," Barak rumbled. "Her captain's a dependable man."


"Good," Wolf said. "Silk and I'll pick up Zedar's trail then, and the rest of you can follow the river to the sea. Take the ship down the coast and then up the River of the Serpent to Sthiss Tor. We'll meet you there."


"Dost thou think it wise to separate our party in so perilous a place as Nyissa?" Mandorallen asked.


"It's necessary," Wolf said. "The snake people are at home in their jungles, and they don't like outsiders. Silk and I can move swiftly and with greater stealth if we're alone."


"Where do you want us to meet you?" Barak asked.


"There's a Drasnian trade enclave near the wharves in Sthiss Tor," Silk said. "Several of the merchants there are my friends. Just ask for Radek of Boktor. If we can't meet you there, we'll leave word of our whereabouts with the merchants."


"What about me?" Ce'Nedra asked.


"I think you'll have to stay with us," Aunt Pol answered.


"There's no reason for me to go to Nyissa," Ce'Nedra said.


"You'll go because I tell you to go," Aunt Pol told the tiny girl. "I'm not your father, Ce'Nedra. Your pouting doesn't wring my heart, and your fluttering eyelashes don't really impress me."


"I'll run away," Ce'Nedra threatened.


"That would be very foolish," Aunt Pol said coldly. "I'd just have to bring you back again, and you'd find that unpleasant. Affairs in the world just now are much too serious to allow the whims of one spoiled little girl to have very much importance. You'll stay with me, and you will stand in the Hall of the Rivan King on your sixteenth birthday even if I have to take you there in chains. We're all much too busy to pamper you any further."


Ce'Nedra stared at her, and then she suddenly burst into tears.






David Eddings's books