Passion Unleashed

“Get your ass in a Harrowgate. Now.”

“You know what?” Wraith dropped the pan onto the stove, splashing soup all over the wall. “Fuck you, E.”

“We’re coming to get you.”

Wraith took a deep, soothing breath, in what was probably his first attempt to be calm. Ever. “Eidolon, this isn’t one of my rebellious, death-wish, stubborn-for-no-reason moves. For once in my life, I’m doing something for someone else. I’m going to keep Serena safe, and I’m going to find a cure for her.”

“Really?” Serena’s cold voice came from behind him. He spun to find her standing in the hallway. Fire sparked in her eyes… and she was holding a stang. “What do you plan to do, Josh?”

“Ah… hey. What are you—”

She launched the S-shaped blade at him, and though he was certain she had deadly aim, the weapon veered to the left and took out the bowl of soup. “I knew it wouldn’t hit you, seeing how you’re charmed and all, but it felt good to throw it.”

Whoa, she was lit up. Wraith threw down the phone and moved toward her. “What’s going on, Serena?”

She took a few steps back, until she was at the bedroom doorway. “Who are you? Who are you, really?”

Oh, shit.

She shook with fury. “And don’t you dare tell me your name is Josh.”

“It’s Wraith. I told you, my name is Wraith.”

“Why should I believe that, when everything else you’ve told me was a lie?” Her voice sounded empty, as though she’d been carved out by pain.

Guilt made his chest hurt, because for the first time in his life, he understood how it felt to inflict pain on someone who didn’t deserve it.

“Not… everything has been a lie,” he said lamely, because the important things had been.

“Uh-huh. Why did you do it? I mean, I can guess, but I want to hear it from your filthy, lying mouth.”

“I was dying, Serena. I needed the charm to live.” He inched toward her. “It’s not as bad as it seems.” It was far worse than what it seemed.

“Did you know I would die? Before I told you?”

He averted his gaze, but dragged it back to meet hers once more. She deserved that, at least. “Yes.”

She blanched and stumbled back. “Oh, my God. You disgusting, murdering, bastard!”

“Serena, listen to me—”

She slammed the door in his face. And locked it. She had to know it wouldn’t keep him out, but he gave her credit for trying. He kicked it in.

“We aren’t through yet.”

Tears shimmered in her eyes. “Oh, we’re through. We’re so through. I want you gone,” she screamed. “Get out! Get out and let me die in peace.”

“That’s not going to happen. I can’t leave you unprotected.”

“Unprotected? Are you kidding me? You killed me!”

Agony wracked his insides, far worse than anything the poison had done to him. “I didn’t mean for it to happen,” he said hoarsely. “I couldn’t carry through with it. Not once I got to know you. That’s why I was going to get off the train in Cairo.”

“How noble,” she spat. “How you must have suffered when I forced myself on you.”

“That,” he said slowly, deliberately, so she would never doubt this, “was the best night of my life.”

“I actually believe that.” She snorted. “It was the best night of your life because you weren’t dying anymore.”

He got in her face so fast she blinked as though trying to figure out how he was suddenly inches away. “No. It was because it was the first time I made love to anyone. You can call me a liar for anything else, but do not doubt me on this. And I swear to you that you were the first, and you will be the last.”

A cold ache drilled a hollow in his chest. He needed sex or he’d suffer, but he would never make love to a female again.

She swallowed hard, but in an instant the fury came back and she shoved hard at his shoulders. When he didn’t budge, she scooted around him and put a good fifteen feet between them. It felt more like light years.

Sudden evil screamed through the air, increasing the pressure in the house with the violence of a spring storm. The window blew inward, and a swirling black cloud surrounded Serena. It solidified, and Byzamoth, grinning, was holding her, her back to his chest, his hand clamped over her mouth.

“Hello, Josh,” the fallen angel said, clearly aware of the truth. Serena’s backstabber at work again. He looked between Serena and Wraith. “Fucking tell me it isn’t true. Tell me this little whore didn’t give you her charm.”

“I’d tell you that,” Wraith growled, “but it would be a lie.”

Serena made a noise of outrage, and Byzamoth shifted his hand, allowing her to fire off a shot. “Oh, now you decide to tell the truth?”

Larissa Ione's books