Passion Unleashed

Maybe not that happy.

The urge to pound Mr. Gropey Hands into a pulp even Eidolon couldn’t heal made him twitch. And wouldn’t that just impress the hell out of Gem. Hey, babe, I want you so bad I’ll kill anyone who comes near you, even though I cut you free.

Yep, he could say “Restraining Order.”

With a nasty curse, he watched Gem ride off with the guy who was, no doubt, a demon. The gate leading to the aboveground parking garage flashed open, and the Hummer had to pull aside for one of UG’s black ambulances to come through, its lights flashing.

Things were about to get chaotic. Kynan would come back tomorrow to talk to the Sem boys, Tayla, and Gem. Gem, especially, because this wasn’t over, not by a long shot.


The sound of knocking woke Serena at three a.m. Groggy, she climbed out of bed and stumbled to the door. A sense of foreboding shivered across her flesh. She knew she shouldn’t open up, but for some reason she couldn’t stop herself.

Josh filled the doorway, his facial tattoo shifting like waves on lake water, eyes glowing gold, and it struck her that she wasn’t awake. This was a dream. A dream where the sexiest man she’d ever seen, the sexiest man she’d ever kissed, was staring at her as if he was a lion and she was an antelope. Her first thought was that, like an antelope, she should run for her life. Her second thought was that she wanted to get caught.

“You’re mine,” he said, his voice rumbling through her in a muscle-deep caress.

It didn’t occur to her to argue. Not when this was something she’d waited for all her life, had hoped for, had daydreamed about… and now it was coming true. Well, it was coming true in her dream, which was the only safe place for it to happen.

Still, as he approached, she wrapped her arms around herself and backed up, realizing too late that he was herding her.

Toward the bed.


“Wraith. In your dreams, you will call me Wraith.” He stripped off his T-shirt, and oh, yes, she’d call him anything he wanted as long as he kept undressing. His chest was smooth, the thick pads of muscle rolling beneath tan skin. And his abs, dear Lord, his abs… his eight-pack could be cut from fine Egyptian granite.

The backs of her knees hit the bed, and she sat down awkwardly. When she looked down at herself, she sucked air. Gone were her shorts and tank top. Instead, she wore a sexy black and crimson teddy, garters with black stockings, and no panties. She tried to cover up, but Josh—Wraith—whatever—tumbled her back on the bed and raised her hands above her head.

“Never hide your body from me. I want to look at you.” He brushed his lips across hers and kissed a trail down her neck. “You’re so beautiful. You taste so sweet.”

She trembled, felt the bed shaking beneath her as his fingers stroked her hip.

“Don’t be afraid,” Wraith murmured against her skin. “I’ll be gentle.”

Gentle? No. She’d waited too long for this. Suddenly, her trepidation melted away, because this wasn’t real, no matter how lifelike it all seemed. This was her chance to take what she’d been denied, and it might be the only opportunity she had.

Wriggling, she worked her legs from where he’d pinned them with his, until he was nestled against her, the hard ridge of his arousal rubbing her core. “Do it now. Please. I want to do it before I wake up.”

His head came up, his eyes still glowing magnificent gold. “Don’t worry about that. We can take all the time we want.” His fingers found the hem of her teddy and slowly pushed it up. “And I definitely want.”

She jerked one hand out of his grip and brought it down to his waistband. “This is my dream,” she growled, “and I want it now.” She emphasized her words by tearing open his fly, and he hissed when her fingertips brushed the head of his erection.

“You’re a greedy little thing, aren’t you?” His voice was husky with appreciation as he cupped her breast. “Let’s see just how greedy you are… oh, yeah.” His fingers found her nipples tight and sensitive, ready for attention.

Her entire body arched upward, seeking his touch. Smiling wickedly, he focused on her breasts, and suddenly the top was gone, leaving her bare-chested and open to his hungry gaze.

“I’m so going to suck on those,” he whispered. “Maybe nibble… bite…”

“Yes.” She writhed beneath him, needing him to do what he was describing.

Larissa Ione's books