Night's Blaze

Dennis patted her leg. “I knew you’d come through for me. I’ve got my men watching your flat. If anything happens to me, Kyle will be taken immediately.”



“What could I possibly do to you?” she asked, turning her head to him.


“Nothing, Lily. Absolutely nothing.”


She looked out the windshield again and remained in that position as Dennis droned on about how easily she bent to his command, as if she were meant for it. All the while, Lily contemplated how she could find something to kill him. Preferably a gun, but she hadn’t bought one yet. There had to be some sort of weapon around the store, and she would find it.


“We’re here,” Dennis said excitedly.


It was what Lily had been dreading. She yearned to see Rhys again, but now that they were at Dreagan, she wasn’t ready. For any of it. So much could go wrong. And if Kyle was in Dennis’s clutches, what if the rest of her family was as well?




Con watched Rhys vigilantly as they stood in the computer room. Rhys’s restraint of the ire within him was new. His eyes blazed with fury, but the cool control with which he held himself in check was unusual. Con wasn’t sure what that meant for any of them.


“What?” Rhys asked Warrick, who walked into the room, his voice low and deadly.


Warrick gave a shake of his head. “Lily’s brother wasna with the rest of the family. We doona know where he is.”


“No one does,” Ryder said while continuing to punch letters on the keyboard. “We’ve searched everywhere. It’s like Kyle disappeared.”


Con shook his head. “He didna disappear. Ulrik has him somewhere.”


Ryder shoved away from the row of computers. “I’ve exhausted all of my considerable resources. No satellites or facial recognition is picking Kyle up anywhere across the globe.” He paused and looked at Rhys. “We have only one option left to us if we want to find Kyle soon.”


“Broc,” Rhys said.


The Warriors of MacLeod Castle had already been brought into this war against the Kings, and Con wasn’t keen on asking them to help out again. With Rhys already marred by Ulrik, Con had to call the Warriors. As he was reaching for his mobile, Darius walked into the room.


Rhys’s head snapped to Darius. “She’s already left?”


“She’s here,” Darius said. He looked at Con before turning back to Rhys. “And her brother is sitting in her flat.”


Con expected to have to have to detain Rhys, but once more Rhys surprised him.


A brutal look came over Rhys’s face. “Dennis had him the entire time.”


“Aye. I saw someone with Dennis late last night as they stood outside Lily’s flat, but I didna know who the lad was until this morning.”


“Is Kyle unharmed?” Rhys asked.


“Aye. Unbeknownst to the lad, Dennis set up men to watch him.”


A muscle twitched in Rhys’s jaw. “Or kill him should Lily fail.”


Con caught Rhys’s gaze. “Lily’s family is being sent to safety, and we’ll get Kyle.”


“Will we?” Rhys asked, more to himself than anyone in the room. He paced the row of monitors, thinking.


Con turned to Warrick. “What did you say to get the Rosses to leave with you?”


“That Lily’s life was in danger, and Dennis was part of it,” Warrick replied with a smile. “I didna need to say more.”


Con stepped in front of Rhys. “It’s your plan, and it’s a good one. Now put it into action.”








Rhys stalked from the manor to the store. All night while he and the other Kings hammered out details to his plan, his mind had been on Lily. There was no way he could have her so near to him now and not see her.


He slipped in the back entry and waited for her. Rhys saw her through the glass doors as she spoke with a man.


“Dennis,” he growled.


When Lily finally unlocked the door and walked into the shop alone, he was able to breathe easier. He anxiously waited for her to put her purse down and turn on the lights. As soon as she walked into the hallway, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her against him.


She clung to him, her head buried in his neck.


“I’m sorry,” he said into her hair. “We have your family, but we couldna find Kyle until this morning. We’re going to get him away from Dennis’s men.”


Lily lifted her head to look at him. Her black eyes were wide, hopeful. “So I don’t have to cower to him anymore?”


“We need to see how much Ulrik knows. I know it’s asking a lot.”


“I can do it,” she assured him. “I’m not scared of what Dennis can do to me. It was my family and everyone at Dreagan.”


Rhys kissed her because she was brave and beautiful. And his. He ended it before he could succumb to his unquenchable hunger. “I’ll be near.”


She nodded and backed out of his arms. “Don’t worry about me. Dennis has no reason to harm me.”


“You look beautiful,” Rhys said as she reached the doorway.


Lily paused and looked at him with a smile. She winked before she returned to the front.


Donna Grant's books