Night's Blaze

“Your family,” Rhys deduced.


Lily dashed a hand at her eye. “My little brother, Kyle. Dennis has befriended him.”


“So he threatened to kill him?”


“Worse. He said he would bring Kyle into what he was doing and turn him into an assassin. I was afraid then, but not knowing who Dennis is involved with, it’s much worse than I ever imagined. I can’t let Kyle become mixed up in that world.”


Rhys shook his head in frustration. “Damn.”


“I have no choice. Dennis knows where I am at all times. He knew I was in Edinburgh and followed me there.”


“I assumed as much when I caught you crying this morning. I wish you would’ve told me.”


Lily threw up her hands. “I figured Dreagan had enough money to cover whatever it was Dennis wanted to steal. It never entered my mind that you all were dragons!”


“So you believe me?” he asked, trying his best to hide the hope welling inside him.


She sighed with a smile. “I can’t believe I’m saying it, but yes.”


“Will you let me help you with your Dennis problem?”


“Didn’t you hear me? He’s probably watching right now. He follows me.”


Rhys smiled, anticipation of spilling blood thrumming through him. “That’s exactly what I’m hoping for.”


That brought Lily up short. “What?”


“I needed to tell you all of this and gain your trust. I suspect Dennis will show up any moment. And I have a plan.”


She blinked. “A plan.”


“Whatever happens, know that you’re no’ alone.” Now that things were swinging back in his favor, Rhys closed the distance between them, sliding his hand behind her neck, and claiming her lips.


Rhys could feel eyes on them. It was the only thing stopping him from making love to Lily. He ended the kiss and looked down at her as the drizzle turned into droplets and quickly whispered his plan into her ear.


“Ready?” he asked and looked down at her.


She squared her shoulders. “No. Something is going to go wrong, but I want this over with.”


“It’ll be over. Verra soon. That I promise.”


“Dennis is—” she began to argue.


Rhys raised a brow. “I’m a Dragon King, Lily. It’s asking a lot for you to trust me, but I promise I willna let him hurt you or your family.”


“I’ll never forgive myself if something happens to Kyle. Dennis told me that if he dies, there are men who will take Kyle.”


“I willna allow that to happen.”


She gazed up at him and nodded. “I believe you.”


It was obvious she wanted to trust him, but she was worried and scared. Dennis had done that to her. It infuriated Rhys that he couldn’t kill the bastard. At least not until the Kings had Kyle—and all of Lily’s family—to safety.


Then Rhys was going to enjoy putting Dennis through every bit of pain he’d ever inflicted on Lily. Except Dennis would suffer it all in one night. If that didn’t kill him, Rhys would ensure Dennis didn’t breathe a moment longer.


With the rain coming harder, Rhys took Lily’s hand and they ran to the car. He put her inside, then walked around the car to the driver’s side. Rhys didn’t look behind him where he knew Dennis was watching, nor did he mention it to Lily. She had enough to worry about.


He got behind the wheel and started the car, then pulled back onto the road and drove to Lily’s flat. Rhys glanced over to see her hands clasped tightly in her lap and her gaze straight ahead. He laid his hand atop hers. She turned her head to him and smiled slightly. That’s all he needed to warm his heart. She wouldn’t smile if she didn’t trust him.


“Thank you,” she whispered.


“Thank me when this is over. I’m picturing us on Australia’s Gold Coast soaking up the sun for at least a week.”


She shifted her hands so that both of them now held his. “That sounds heavenly.”


“Consider it a date,” he said and threw her a smile.


All too soon, they reached the village. The rain was coming down steadily when Rhys pulled up against the curb outside of Lily’s flat. He put the car in park and turned his head to her.


“I doona want to leave you.”


She brought his hand to her lips and kissed his knuckles. “But you have to.”


“I can stay.”


“I can do this. I’m strong enough.”


Rhys had no doubt about it, but he didn’t have to like it. “Of course you are. I just doona like him near you.”


“I don’t like being away from you.”


“You keep saying things like that, and I willna let you out of this car.”


She laughed softly, her eyes crinkling in the corners. “You’ve no idea how much better I feel knowing I’m not doing this on my own. No matter what happens, I want you to know that I appreciate your helping me.”


He didn’t bother arguing with her or telling her that all would be fine. Lily had been hurt too much, and the world had failed her too many times. Rhys would show her with actions. That’s all that really mattered anyway.


Donna Grant's books