Night's Blaze

That made him sit up straight. “How so?”



“Ulrik didna act surprised when we asked about Henry or what was done to Rhys. Neither did he gloat over it.”


That was interesting news. “It could be that Ulrik was doing it on purpose, to keep us guessing.”


“Why? You know he wants to kill you. You want to kill him. Both of you have made those statements many times. Why would he no’ rejoice in our suffering?”


“That’s a good point, and one I can no’ answer.” Con wasn’t at all pleased at this new development.


Warrick shook his head. “I watched him while Rhys was interrogating him and using the shadows. Ulrik never backed down. All the while, I expected some kind of comeback from him about how we deserved it.”


“There’s no one else on this realm who has dragon magic, Warrick. I know for some of you it would be easier to know there was another adversary out there instead of Ulrik, but we need to face the facts. Ulrik will see us exposed and back in another war with the Fae. We can no’ battle the humans and the Fae.”


“Hate Ulrik all you want. Hell, I blame him for our having to send the dragons away, but doona be so hasty to put all our resources to taking down Ulrik.”


“If he’s dead, then all of this goes away. Those with mates can rest easier, and we can stop worrying about the humans discovering who we are.”


Warrick got to his feet. “When are you going after Ulrik?”


“Right after we catch the bastard who thinks he can come onto our land and take something from us.”








Rhys was an hour from Dreagan when he heard Kiril’s voice in his head. Since he’d been ignoring his mobile that dinged with texts and calls repeatedly, he knew he couldn’t disregard Kiril now.


A glance over at Lily showed that she was sleeping. There hadn’t been much talk between them since they left Edinburgh. With the city behind them, she hadn’t been able to keep her eyes open.


“Aye?” Rhys said as he opened the link between him and Kiril.


There was a frustrated sigh from Kiril. “About damn time, dick. If you didna answer I was going to come looking for you.”


“I didna want to wake Lily, jerk.”


“More likely you didna want to chance her hearing anything.” Kiril grunted. “I remember doing the same with Shara.”


Rhys didn’t respond. If he tried to claim Lily wasn’t his mate, Kiril would see through him. But he wasn’t ready to tell anyone else she was his, either.


“I can no’ imagine how you’re feeling with Lily’s name on the list of suspects,” Kiril said.


“It’s her, Kiril. Lily is the one Ulrik spoke about.”


“Aw, fuck. Con’s going to want to talk to her.”


“No’ happening,” Rhys said, giving enough heat to his words so that Kiril would know it wasn’t just Rhys wanting to give Con a hard time.


There was a beat of silence. “I see.”


“Nay, you doona. She’s being forced. Lily told me her history with the guy, and I believe he was in Edinburgh watching her.”


“Have you considered the possibility that she’s … acting?”


“If you’d seen the scars all over her back and stomach, you wouldna be asking me that.”




The shock in Kiril’s voice only mimicked what went through Rhys when he had seen the scars himself. “She’s no’ faking. Lily left him a year ago. I believe he returned recently. He’s also the reason she has the bruise on her cheek. She didna say as much, but it wasna difficult to piece together.”


“Shite. This just keeps getting crazier and crazier. Have you told her you know?”




“I’ve some experience in this since I went through something similar with Shara in Ireland. Tell her, Rhys. Tell her everything.”


Now it was Rhys’s turn to be shocked. “Have you lost your damn mind? She’s mortal. I can no’ tell her everything.”


“You can. Banan told Henry.”


“That’s different. Henry is helping us.”


Kiril’s sigh was long and loud. “So could Lily. I thought you would want her to know since she’s your mate.”


Rhys was so unprepared for that statement that he nearly missed his turn. He and Kiril had always known what the other was thinking, but Rhys had made sure to be so careful and not mention anything about Lily around him—or anyone for that matter.


“Doona even try to tell me I’m lying,” Kiril said. “I know you. I’ve seen you looking at her with the same hunger that I look at Shara.”


“Lily is mine. I didna try to fight the inevitable. It’s no’ that I doona think she’s strong enough to handle the truth or willna accept it. I think … she’s been through too much already.”


Donna Grant's books