Night's Blaze

He reminded her so much of her father, which only made her want to cry. She knew her father would like Rhys. All of her family would like Rhys. How unfair fate was to give her a man who could heal her wounded soul only to force her to decide between Rhys, who could be the love of her life, and her family.


An image of her family flashed in her mind. It was four years since she last saw them. Was her father still watching his food for his high-cholesterol? Which diet was her mother on now? Did her eldest sister at long last have the baby she’d been dreaming of? Were her other sisters married?


Lily’s heart hurt with the unanswered questions. She wanted to think that Dennis wouldn’t have gotten to her this time if she had only returned to her family when she left him, but she knew it was a lie. Dennis would’ve found some way to get what he wanted. He always did.


If she chose Rhys, then her family would suffer unimaginably. Not to mention what sweet, funny Kyle would endure.


If she chose to save Kyle, Dreagan would miss some piece of artwork or something that could quickly be claimed by insurance and replaced. No one would die, and no one would be turned into an assassin.


Only she would be the one to lose either way.


The fact she knew she would have to leave Rhys, Dreagan, her friends, and her new life behind only pushed her to want to see Dennis dead sooner. If only she’d listened to her mother about Dennis. If only she hadn’t let him rule her life. If only she hadn’t been so weak to remain with him.


If only …


There was no amount of looking back that would change her past. It was done, decisions already made. The only thing she could do was ensure her present and her future.


And after what she was about to do to Rhys, she didn’t deserve him.


She wanted to tell him what was coming, but what would that accomplish? He would try to stop Dennis, which would only end up getting someone at Dreagan killed and her brother lost to her forever.


No, it was better not to tell Rhys anything. He would know her involvement when she didn’t return to work. Lily knew Dreagan might seek her out for damages, and she was prepared to face whatever legal action they would take.


“That sigh didna sound good,” Rhys said into the silence of the room.


Lily hadn’t even realized she had sighed. She listened to the beat of his heart beneath her ear. “Just thinking.”


“Anything I can help with?”


How she wished he could. Lily opened her eyes to look at his handsome face, a shadow of a beard darkening his jaw. “Unfortunately, no.”


“You’re no’ thinking of that wanker of an ex while in bed with me, are you?” he asked as he cracked open an eye and smiled at her.


She chuckled. “I would never.”


“Good, because that could severely damage my confidence.”


“Nothing could damage your confidence.”


He looked at the ceiling and put his other arm behind his head, his smile gone. “I’m a good listener. If you need to talk.”


“You’ve heard the worst of it.”


“Have I?” he asked softly and looked at her before lightly touching her bruised cheek. “How did you really come by this?”


Lily couldn’t answer. She didn’t want to lie again, especially not to Rhys. And yet the words stuck in her throat.


“The bastard found you.” Rhys turned so that they faced each other. “Why did you no’ tell someone? I’d gladly have taken care of him. Hell, anyone on Dreagan would.”


If only his “take care of” meant kill, but Lily would never ask that of anyone. It was her soul that would be stained with Dennis’s death and no one else’s.


“It’s been a year since I left him. I thought I was free of that part of my life, but I was wrong.” When Rhys entwined his fingers with hers, she gained courage to continue. “He’s only hit me in the face a few times.”


“There’s a special place in Hell for men like him,” Rhys said angrily. “I’d love to get my hands on him. Is he still around?”


Now Lily had no choice but to lie. How she hated it. Just another reason to want to cut Dennis out of her life for good. “I hope he got the hint after I refused to take him back.”


“Next time, call me. I’ll make sure that son of a bitch never bothers you again.”


She looked into his blue eyes, unable to hold back the wash of tears. Even though Rhys couldn’t help her, the fact he was willing to try was enough. The tears were forgotten as Rhys pulled her against him and kissed her. The last time she was in control. This time, it was all him.


He seized her lips, captured her breath. He conquered and dominated her with just his kisses. Lily submitted, wanting him and eager to see where he would take her. His hands were everywhere, caressing, stroking. Seducing. From her face to her feet, every inch of skin felt his touch. He was demanding and yet gentle, commanding yet tender.


His rule in the bed was absolute, unequivocal. And Lily found she was more than willing to acquiesce to his experienced hands and skilled lips.


Donna Grant's books