Night's Blaze

He didn’t miss how she looked nervously around the street. Her hands shook when she tried to put her keys in her purse, and they ended up falling to the sidewalk.


Rhys bent and grabbed the keys. He then dropped them into her purse and caught her gaze. “You doona need to fear anything as long as I’m near.”


Her head dipped, her breath catching in her throat. She swallowed hard and lifted her face to his. “Thank you.”


It took everything he had to step back and not kiss her again. She had no idea how appealing she was, how he hungered to taste her—to claim her. Rhys began to walk, and she fell into step beside him. He shortened his strides to walk with her.


“Where are we going?” she asked.


“For a walk.”


“That sounds nice.”


Rhys felt the knot in his chest loosen the longer he was with her. He talked of mundane things such as the weather and work, anything to take her mind off whatever was troubling her. How he wished she would confide in him, but it wasn’t like he was the best at telling others what bothered him. Which was why he didn’t push her. If she wanted to tell him, then she would. Until then, he would take her mind off it.


He took her past the small park to a trail used by hikers and runners. It took them over hills and into the forest as well as past a small loch. Her smile grew, her eyes brightening once more. Rhys hated to admit it was the first time he had done something like this with a woman, but he felt as if time had been waiting for Lily to enter his life.


While she looked at the scenery, he watched her. He loved the way she would pull her long hair over one shoulder when she bent to inspect something, how she gently touched the petals of the flowers. Everything she did was fluid and elegant.


Rhys took every opportunity to touch her. Their hands skimmed on several occasions, as did their bodies. He touched her hair multiple times without her ever knowing it. Each time was burned into his mind and soul—and she sank deeper into his psyche.


“Where did you go when you left Dreagan?” she asked as they walked along the path.


He waited until they reached the top of the summit of the hill to look out over the land. Rhys waited until she stopped beside him before he said, “I was on Dreagan.”


“Well, there are sixty thousand acres,” she said with a small smile.


His lips softened when he looked at her. “I just needed to get away.”


“I did that once.”


“How did it turn out?”


She folded her arms together. “I’ll let you know. The fact is, Dreagan is an escape for me. I don’t know what it is about the land, but I can’t wait to get there. And I hate to leave it.”


“It’s magical to be sure.” He sighed. If only she knew just how much magic was there. She was obviously able to feel some of it to have such a strong pull to it.


“You’re very lucky to have it as your home.” She turned to him then, her gaze searching. “You seem different.”


He lifted a shoulder in a shrug. “I guess I am.”


“I am too.” Lily hastily looked away and rubbed her hands on her arms.


“You’re chilled.” Rhys could’ve kicked himself for not having a coat to give her. “You should’ve told me.”


Lily chuckled as she spread her arms to encompass the view. “And miss this? Never.”


“I wouldna advise coming in the morning. It’s full of runners. I’m surprised there are no’ more people up here now,” he said and turned her to begin walking again. “The trail makes a loop around the village.”


“I know where I’ll be coming from now on.”


Rhys was about to tell her to watch the root, but her foot hit it before he could. Lily pitched forward. His arms snaked out and grabbed her, yanking her against his chest to keep her from tumbling down the hill.


Her lips were parted, her pulse rapid at the base of her throat. She had her hands fisted in his shirt tightly. Rhys’s own heart was pounding at the thought of her hurt in any way. He knew he’d grabbed her roughly, but it was his first reaction. The fact he responded so hastily confirmed how much he loved her.


It didn’t matter when he had fallen in love with Lily. It was as if she had always been in his life. She felt … right.


Rhys lowered his head, his mouth on hers before he knew what was happening. Her lips moved beneath his, open and eager. He groaned and wound his arms around her. The kiss was ecstasy, bliss—pure rapture.


Desire blazed through him as hot as dragon fire. There was an ache inside him that only Lily could ease, a yearning that only she could relieve.


The sound of someone coming broke them apart. Rhys didn’t pay the group of runners any mind. His gaze was locked with Lily’s. Her lips were swollen, just as they had been the night of their first kiss. Then, like a fool, he had walked away from her.


Donna Grant's books