Night Shift (Kate Daniels #6.5)

As he spoke, he came closer, and with a negligent flick of his long fingers, the door shut and locked behind me. Neat trick, said part of my brain; the other part was wondering what those fingers would feel like brushing against my throat, and was really hoping I’d get to find out.

“We fulfill fantasies here,” he all but purred. “What is yours, little seer? If you had the chance to gain your heart’s desire, what would it be?” He smiled, giving me a glimpse of fang. “And don’t say finding a certain leprechaun prince. I know that is far from what you truly want.” He gave me a dangerous, knowing smile, like he’d seen every dirty thought I’d ever had, flipped through them like a deck of cards, and set aside the ones he wanted us to try first.

“Sounds like we’re looking for the same guy.” I held my shaking hand out at hip height. “About this tall, red hair, green coat—unless he’s still naked. Turn-ons are amateur-night exotic dancing. Turnoffs include SPI bodyguards and goblin stalkers.”

I tried to take a step back, but my feet had other ideas. The goblin was now within arms’ reach. His. He noticed me noticing, and his laugh warmed the air around me.

“I don’t think he’s here,” I continued, “so I’ll just be on my way.”

The goblin’s lips quirked in a smile. “But then you would miss my proposition.”

Oh, I think I knew what he was proposing.

His easy smile stayed put, and I could feel his mind browsing through my thoughts. “I assure you, it’s strictly business—at least initially. I would like it very much if you would come and work for me.”

Eventually I managed to form words. “Is it the librarian outfit? Because I can assure you, no one wants to watch me strip.”

“I am quite certain you have many talents where you would least expect them, but those are not the talents I am interested in.” The goblin was directly in front of me, his face blocking the light—his eyes seemingly absorbing the rest. “We can save those for later exploration.”

“And if I say no?” My voice sounded tiny.

“Then I will be forced to destroy you.”

Just like that. Same silky, seductive voice—in one moment promising my deepest desires; and the next, my messy death.

“Isn’t that a little melodramatic?”

“I assure you it is an accurate description of what would happen to your physical body should I do this.” He did another negligent hand wave and vaporized a mannequin standing in the corner of the dressing room.

I swallowed. “You’re right. Destroyed is a good word for that.”

“Then you agree to my request.” He didn’t ask it as a question.

“How can I agree when you haven’t told me what the job is?”

His fangs were showing, but it wasn’t a smile. Like drawing a gun, he was simply showing me his weapons. And damned fine weapons they were.

“I require the same services you’re presently employing on Vivienne’s behalf.”

“And if I refuse and you ‘destroy’ me, then no one gets my services and I get dead—which is my big concern as you can imagine.”

“Then we are at an impasse,” he murmured.

“I’m not going to help you find any leprechauns, if that’s what you’re getting at.”

“I don’t need your help finding the remaining three leprechauns. You have two in custody. The third is in this room with us; and the remaining two have panicked and are attempting to flee my place of business as I speak.”

“Rake Danescu.”

“You’ve heard of me.”

“I’ve been told of you.”

“No doubt by your new partner.”

I ignored that. “If our quarry’s flying the coop, looks like we’re both out of luck.”

“Oh, I don’t believe so. My true quarry is right where I want her.” His dark eyes glittered in the dim light. “Almost.”

“I’m not your BOGO.”

The goblin arched one flawless eyebrow.

“Buy one, get one free.”

“What a charming concept.” He smiled at me, showing me all of his teeth, including two alarmingly sharp fangs—all dazzling white. Looked like SPI wasn’t the only supernatural organization with a good dental plan.

“I can feel the air quiver from his trembling—and yours.” His black eyes gleamed as they scanned the room. I half expected a forked tongue to dart out from between his full lips and taste the air. His eyes narrowed and those lips slowly curled in a smile. “And I can smell your fear—and arousal. Have you asked yourself why Vivienne assigned you to her most trusted agent?”

I tried to swallow with a bone-dry mouth. “To keep the newbie away from creatures like you?”

“Among many other reasons. There are things I can offer—things that you want—that Vivienne Sagadraco could never provide.”

And one of them was getting entirely too close.

I swallowed hard. “Yeah, these days good insurance is hard to come by.”