Night Pleasures (Dark Hunter Series – Book 3)

Even though she understood why, a part of her was hurt to realize he didn't trust her enough. Stop that! she snapped at herself. What kind of selfish stupidity is that? He needs his powers. Now more than ever.


Startling her, Kyrian easily ripped the fabric of the ties and freed his hands. Immediately, he gathered her into his arms and held her close. "Thank you, sweeting," he said, kissing her softly.


She smiled at him. "My pleasure."


He laughed at that and settled her down to lie by his side. He spooned up behind her and held her as if he were afraid to let go. It wasn't long before he fell asleep. His hot breath fell against her bare shoulder. Amanda reveled in it and hoped that because of what she'd done tonight, he would survive his next confrontation with Desiderius.


Amanda came awake to the sound of the phone ringing. Pulling back from Kyrian, she realized they were lying entwined. Her face flamed as she recalled what she had done with him. Never had she been so unabashed and yet with him she didn't mind.


Sliding out of his arms, she grabbed the phone in Esmeralda's room. "Hello?"


It was Esmeralda. "Mandy, thank goodness you're still there. My car broke down. I'm on the side of the road. Any chance you can come pick me up?"




She jotted down the location, then took a quick shower and went back to the guest room to dress. She leaned over Kyrian and kissed his cheek. As she pulled away, he grabbed her. "Where are you going?"


"To pick up Essie."


"It's not safe."


"It's broad daylight. I'm fine."


She saw the reluctance in his eyes. "How long to sundown?"


"Hours still."


"All right, but come right back."


"Yes, sir, Commander, sir."


"You're not funny."


She kissed him on the lips and left. Kyrian woke up a short time later. Getting up, he saw his wounds were almost all gone. He unwrapped the bloody bandages and tossed them into the small wastebasket by the door. "Amanda?" he called at the door.


No one answered. He listened for sounds in the house and only silence greeted him.


She must not be back yet. Grabbing his clothes, he went to the bathroom.


It didn't take long to shower, shave, and change. Once clean, he made his way slowly back to the room. He paused at the door as he caught sight of Amanda. She was dressed in a pair of tight jeans and a black sweater that hugged those curves he loved to feast on.


Her hair down, she looked luscious. He walked up behind her silently while she was examining the trash can. Without speaking, he dipped his head down to nibble her neck. No sooner had he brushed her skin with his lips than he caught her scent. This wasn't Amanda. It was Tabitha.









Kyrian took a step back as Tabitha whirled to face him. Her battered face was still bruised from the beating she had taken from Desiderius's minions and she wore a bandage over one cheek to cover the sutures. She dropped into a wobbly, tough fighting stance.


Anguish swept through him that he had failed to protect one of the people Amanda loved best in the world. He swore it wouldn't happen again.


"Who are you?" she demanded. "Where's Esmeralda?"


Kyrian glanced to the mirror to see his missing reflection and quickly took another step back before Tabitha noticed it, as well. "Her car broke down on her way home. Amanda went to pick her up."


He realized too late that he should have kept his mouth closed because recognition flared in her eyes as she registered his unique accent.


"You!" she screamed. "What have you done to my sisters?"


"They're safe."


"Like hell!" She rushed him.


Unwilling to hurt her, Kyrian pivoted on his feet and ran down the hallway.


"Vampire!" she screamed.


He heard rustling downstairs and realized she wasn't alone in the house.


"Pull open the curtains." As she screamed out the order, Tabitha grabbed the curtain cord in the upstairs hallway that shielded the line of windows there, and gave a yank.


Kyrian hissed as the daylight touched him. Leaping over the banister, he landed in the living room below.


Two pairs of eyes widened as they took in his size. The dark-haired man turned pale, but the blond woman reacted quickly, running to the window to open more shades.


Before Kyrian could move, Tabitha was on him. She kicked out and caught him right in his sore side. "Die, vampire scum!"


Kyrian hissed, baring his fangs at her, then back-flipped away from her, and started for the kitchen. He slid to a halt in the doorway as he saw the sunlight streaming through the room. There was no place to go in there that wouldn't kill him.


Something hard and sharp bit into his shoulder. Growling, he turned to see Tabitha with a long dagger. She drew back to stab him again. Kyrian caught her wrist at the same time her two friends rushed him. The four of them stumbled back. Kyrian slung one of them off and broke free. He tried to run back to the living room, but Tabitha somehow managed to get in front of him.