Night Pleasures (Dark Hunter Series – Book 3)

He nodded as he reached for one of the shirts Nick had dropped off that afternoon while he slept, and put it on."Thanks to D'Alerian. After another few hours, they'll be gone completely."


Amanda watched as he slid off the couch. Only the slowness of his movements betrayed the fact he was still recovering. "Should you be up?"


"I need to move, it'll help with the stiffness." As he walked past her, he mumbled under his breath, "Some of it anyway."


She helped him into the kitchen. "Essie, is there any spaghetti left?"


"He eats spaghetti?"


Amanda looked up at him. "Do you?"


He cast a menacing glare at Esmeralda. "It's not as good as sucking the necks of Italians, but it's not bad."


Amanda laughed at the horrified look on her sister's face. "You better leave her alone or she might stake you while you sleep."


He took a seat at the kitchen table and cast a hot, longing stare at her body. "Personally, I'd rather stake you while we're awake."


She smiled at his double entendre as she fixed a plate of spaghetti. "I'm so glad to have you teasing me again. I was terrified I'd lost you this morning when we found you."


"How's Tabitha?"


"She's fine. They're sending her home even as we speak."


"Good." By his expression she could tell he was deeply troubled. "What is it?" she asked as she set the microwave timer.


"Desiderius is out there and he will kill again. I can't just lie down and—"


Amanda stopped his words by placing her hand over his lips. "If you get yourself killed, what good would it do anyone?"


"It would help Nick since he would inherit all my property."


"You're not funny."


"You say that to me a lot."


She smiled tenuously. "Before you go after Desiderius again, we need to think this through. Right now, he believes you're dead, so we have one shot at surprising him."




"I'm not going to let you fight him alone again. He threatens me and mine and I'm through sitting on the sidelines waiting for him to strike."


Kyrian reached up and cupped her face. "I don't want you hurt."


"Then teach me what I need to know to help you kick his butt."


He smiled at that. "I haven't fought with anyone else in over two thousand years."


"Well, you're never too old to learn."


He snorted. "You can't teach an old dog new tricks."


"There's no time like the present."


"Time is of the essence."


"God helps those who help themselves."


He laughed. "You're not going to let me win this, are you?"


"Nope. Now let me get you fed, then I'll show you the research I did while you were sleeping."


Kyrian watched as she dribbled cheese over his spaghetti. He'd never in his life come across a woman like her. After Desiderius had left and he'd been waiting to die, he had spent the last moments with his eyes closed, remembering the way she looked in his bed. The way she felt in his arms. It had given him more comfort than he had a right to ask for. What if you fail again to kill Desiderius? The idea horrified him. Amanda would be alone. He closed his eyes and thought of her lying in the hospital like Tabitha. Or worse. No, Amanda was right, he needed to teach her to protect herself.


Desiderius was too dangerous. Too crafty. Worse, the bastard had delivered on his promise. He knew exactly where to hit.




He looked up at Amanda. She brought the plate of spaghetti and salad over to him and set it on the table, then placed her hand against his brow. "Don't think about it."


"Think about what?"


"Desiderius. You were thinking so hard, I swear I could hear your thoughts."


Esmeralda stuck her head in the kitchen. "I'm headed out to deliver Cara's baby. Are you sure you're all right alone with him?"


"I'm fine, Essie. Go, shoo, begone."


"All right, but I'll call later."


Amanda growled at her sister and looked at Kyrian. "Have you ever tried to live with nine mothers?"


"No, I can't say that I have."


After he had finished eating and called Nick, Amanda took him upstairs to bathe.


Kyrian stood completely still as she unbuttoned his shirt and removed it, then she undid his pants. He hardened as her fingers brushed against him. "You know, I haven't had an actual bath in decades. I always shower."


"Well, this will be more fun—I promise." Rising up on her toes, she kissed him lightly on the lips. Kyrian followed her lead as she placed him in the tub. The hot water felt wonderful against his skin as she lathered a washcloth. He traced the line of her jaw with his fingers.


Amanda removed her clothes, then joined him in the tub. Kyrian wrapped her in his arms, but as she moved against him, old memories assailed him. All of a sudden, he was in his old home and he could feel Theone against him. See her cold face.


Amanda felt him stiffen. "Did I hurt you?"


"Let me up," he said, pushing her away.


Something was wrong with him. Something bad. "Kyrian?"


He wouldn't meet her eyes and suddenly she understood what D'Alerian had meant earlier. Determined to rid Kyrian of his demons, she grabbed his face in her hands and forced him to look at her. "Kyrian, I am not Theone and I will never betray you."


"Let me—"


"Look at me!" she insisted. "Look into my eyes."