Night Pleasures (Dark Hunter Series – Book 3)

Rising to his feet, he placed himself between her and Aphrodite.


"How dare you!" Aphrodite shrieked while fury contorted her beautiful face. Her eyes narrowed, she left the couch and stalked toward Hunter like a deadly beast of prey. "You know you are not to be in our presence."


Julian grabbed Aphrodite before she could reach them. "Mother, stop! What are you doing?" She glared at Julian. "You dare bring a Dark-Hunter before me? You know it is forbidden!"


Frowning, Julian turned to look at Hunter. Disbelief was etched on his face. Hunter glanced at Amanda over his shoulder. "You're about to be free, little one," he whispered. Aphrodite raised her hand. Terrified, Amanda realized Aphrodite meant to kill him. No! The word caught in her throat while her heart raced in panic.


Julian caught his mother's wrist before she could blast Hunter again.


"No, Mom," Julian snapped. "Dark-Hunter or not, he happens to be the only man who ever stood guard at my back while everyone else prayed for my death. You kill him, and I will never forgive you for it."


Aphrodite's face turned to stone. Julian let go of her hand. "I have never, in my entire life, asked you for anything. But I'm asking you now, as your son, help him. Please."


Aphrodite looked from Julian to Hunter. The indecision in her eyes was tangible. "Hephaestus?" Julian asked the man on the couch. "Will you free them?"


"It is forbidden," he said gruffly, "and you know it. Dark-Hunters are soulless and beyond us."


"It's all right, Julian," Hunter said quietly. "Just ask her not to let the blast go through me and hit the woman." It was only then Aphrodite noticed Amanda. Her gaze fell to the cuffs. "Mom?"Julian asked again.


Aphrodite snapped her fingers and the handcuffs disappeared. "Thank you," Julian said.


"I did it only to help the human female," Aphrodite said grimly before returning to the sofa. "The Dark-Hunter is on its own."


Hunter said a quiet thanks to Julian. Then, he turned and started for the door. "Kyrian, wait," Julian said, stopping him. "You can't go out there hurt."


The Dark-Hunter's face was stoic. "You know the Code, Adelfos. I walk alone."


"Not tonight, you don't."


"If he stays," Aphrodite said, "we have to leave."


Julian looked back at his mother and nodded. "I know, Mom. Thanks again for helping him. I'll see you later."


Aphrodite vanished in a flash of light. Hephaestus set Niklos down, then evaporated, too. "Julian?" Grace called from her chair. "Is it safe to let go of Vanessa now?"


"Yes," he said.


Amanda watched the sad look on Hunter's face as the twins came running toward their father. Niklos took a happy detour to her, jabbering as he held his arms out. Amanda picked him up and cuddled him close before kissing the top of his soft, blond curls. Bouncing in her arms, he laughed and hugged her.


Vanessa made straight for Hunter in true Vanessa form. The little darling knew no strangers. She handed him the half-eaten cookie in her hand. "Cook-ie?" she asked in her broken, baby speech.


Kneeling before her, Hunter smiled tenderly as he took it from her outstretched hand. He brushed a gentle palm over the toddler's dark hair. "Thank you, sweeting," he said softly before handing the cookie back to her. "But I'm not hungry."


Vanessa squealed and threw herself into his arms. If Amanda lived an eternity, she would never forget the desperate, aching look on Hunter's face as he held Vanessa to his chest. It was one of such longing. Of pain. The look of a man who knew he held something precious in his arms that he never wanted to let go of.


He closed his eyes and leaned his cheek against the top of Vanessa's head as he balled his fist against her back and held her tight. "Gods, Julian, you always made such beautiful babies."


Julian didn't say anything as Grace came forward. But Amanda saw the anguish in Julian's eyes while he watched his friend and his daughter. The two of them locked gazes.


Something passed between them, some shared nightmare Amanda knew nothing about. Julian took Grace's hand. "Grace, this is my friend Kyrian of Thrace. Kyrian, this is my wife."


Like a graceful black panther coming out of its deadly crouch, Hunter rose to his feet with Vanessa cradled gently in his arms. "I'm honored to meet you, Grace."


"Thank you," Grace said. "I have to say the same about you. Julian's talked about you so much that I feel like I know you."


Hunter narrowed his eyes on Julian. "Considering how often he censured my behavior, I shudder to think what he's told you about me."


Grace laughed. "Nothing too bad. Is it true you once incited an entire bordello into—" "Julian!" Hunter snapped. "I can't believe you told her that."


Completely unabashed, Julian shrugged Hunter's irritability off. "Ingenuity under pressure was always your forte." Grace gasped, then put her hand against her distended stomach. Julian reached out and took her arm, watching her worriedly.