Masters of Seduction Volume 2 (Masters of Seduction #5-8)

Instead she looked indecently fragile as the fading dusk bathed her slender body in shades of soft violet and peach. A delicate creature that might disappear in a puff of smoke.


Tiege growled low in his throat, his hungry gaze sliding over her reclined body, lingering on the soft swell of her breasts that were visible beneath the muscle shirt. He’d always known she was tiny, but until this moment he’d never realized just how small she was. His gaze skimmed downward to the faded jeans that fit her with rapturous perfection. Absently, he reached to tug off her heavy boots, tossing them aside as his gaze lifted to study the pale face that was framed by the lush tumble of honey curls.


Her lips were parted in anticipation, and a golden, sexual heat was crawling over her skin, making his mouth water in anticipation of his feeding. But even in the growing shadows he couldn’t miss the hint of bewildered innocence darkening her hazel eyes.


With a muttered curse, Tiege shrugged off his boxers and joined Sloane on the bed. His need was becoming a near-painful ache.


Stroking his fingers over her cheek, he allowed the taste of honeysuckle to seep through his veins. At the same time, he used his magic to block out the sounds from the outer room.


Nothing was going to be allowed to disrupt this moment.


Not after he’d waited for what seemed to be an eternity to get this female in his arms.


“Are you ready?” he asked in a low voice.


Her lashes fluttered down, hiding her expressive eyes. “As you’ve pointed out, it doesn’t seem as if I have much of a choice.”


Tiege snapped his brows together. “You’re saying this is just duty?” he whispered, his fingers stroking down the length of her throat.


She shivered, a flush of arousal staining her cheeks. “I signed the contract. My job is to put the welfare of this House before my own wishes. If you need to feed then it’s my obligation to provide you sustenance.”


It was the precise argument he’d just given her. So why the hell did the sound of his words on her lush lips make him want to growl in frustration?


Because he didn’t like the thought that she was feeling compelled to give in to her desire, he abruptly realized. Grim duty wasn’t the same as active enjoyment.


He wanted her to accept the need that’d been smoldering between them for months.


Why it mattered was a question he had no intention of asking.


His fingers slipped beneath the narrow strap of her shirt, absorbing the sparks of energy that leaped from her satin skin.


“And that’s the only reason?” he prodded.


“What do you mean?”


His head lowered, his lips brushing over her forehead. “This heat,” he murmured. “The passion.” He kissed a restless path over her temple and down the curve of her cheek. “You feel it.”


Her breath released from her body in a shaken rush as he sucked the tender flesh at the base of her throat, marking her as if she were an adolescent human. At the same time he weaved a more potent warning to other males by lacing his scent deep into her skin.


Tiege sucked in a deep breath. Oh…hell. She smelled of soap and honeysuckle and sweet innocence.


An intoxicating combination.


“Of course I feel it,” she muttered, her hands lifting to grasp his shoulders. “You’re an Incubus. You could create lust in a rock.”


Annoyed by her refusal to admit the truth, he jerked up his head to glare down at her.


“It’s not just my magic,” he growled. “You’ve desired me since you arrived at my home.”


She made a sound of annoyance. “Master…”


“Tiege,” he sharply interrupted.


She blinked in confusion. “What?”


“You’ll call me Tiege, not Master,” he commanded, uncertain why he was determined to hear his name on her lips. “Say it.”


“Tiege.” Her eyes narrowed. “Satisfied?”


“Not even close.” With a groan he lowered his head to nip at the lush temptation of her lips. “Now admit the truth.”


“What truth?”


He nuzzled the corner of her lips. “That this is more than just duty.”


“What does it matter?” she stubbornly demanded, only to give a strangled gasp as his hands grasped the front of her shirt and casually ripped it in two. They both froze. Tiege in silent appreciation of her naked breasts tipped with berry-rose nipples. And Sloane in astonishment. “Tiege…what the hell?” she at last breathed.


His lips twisted into a fierce smile. Was she deliberately making herself a challenge? Did she know he would find it irresistible?


Or was she truly that innocent?


“You’re going to admit that you want me,” he warned, slowly lowering his head, holding her gaze as he licked one of the tightly furled nipples. “One way or another.”


“Shit.” Her nails dug into the bare skin of his chest, but not in protest. Tiege could feel the race of her heart and catch the scent of her arousal.


She might try to hide behind talk about contracts and obligations, but her body was already softening against him in silent need.


The flavor of her exploded on his tongue. Damn. She was as sweet as he’d anticipated.


Lara Adrian's books