Masters of Seduction Volume 2 (Masters of Seduction #5-8)

“I’m sorry,” she said, gesturing over her shoulder. “I can’t reach the laces in the back.”



It took everything inside of Cas to tamp down the demon’s desires. The beast didn’t like it. It was used to getting what it wanted—whenever it wanted it.


Without a word, Cas moved to stand behind her. Trying not to take her scent into his nostrils, he worked the laces, one by one, until she was free. His eyes pinned to the creamy skin of her back, he let the corset drop to the ground. Then, without thought, reached out and ran his fingers over the marks the tight material had placed on her skin.


Her perfect skin.


Her warm skin.


Take. Take her.


She stepped away then, and beneath his dark, hungry gaze she removed her stockings and panties. Cas hissed out a breath. If her sharp mind and dauntless tongue weren’t temptation enough… She had an exquisite body. Long legs, full hips, small waist, heavy breasts with tight nipples and a nearly shaved *.


His mouth watered.


As he stared like the rabid demon he was, his body humming with a need like no other, his cock so hard it pained him, she stepped into the steaming water.


Envy enveloped him.


For a bloody bathtub.


“Thank you for the help,” she said, looking up at him. “I’m not used to wearing a corset.”


His nostrils flared and he nodded. She looked irresistible beneath the water, her head resting on the edge, blond curls falling over the side.


“You can go now,” she said, then smiled. “Or not. This is a very large bathtub.” Her brow lifted in question.


“Are you asking me to join you, Elia?” His tone was as hard and unyielding as his body.


“Yes.” Her smile widened. “Unless you have something else you need to attend to.”


Fuck him. Fuck his demon. Fuck his feelings. Nothing was keeping him from this female.


His eyes locked to hers, he removed his jacket, then his tie. Lia watched him every step of the way. Her eyes skimming over his naked chest, his shoulders…then dropping and widening as she took in his cock.


All your doing, female.


A soft growl exited his lips as he stepped into the bath and settled in across from her. Perhaps later she would oblige him and stand under the rain shower with him.


“First time in a tub?” she teased, her eyes alight with mischief.


He growled again. Louder and more aggressive this time. “How can you tell?”


“You’re normally not an awkward male.”


A small, strange twinge went through Cas, and he locked eyes with her. “How would you know that? We have never met before. Have we?”


It was only a second, but Cas saw her brow furrow and heard her breath quicken. Then she smiled and shrugged. “No. I…just assumed.”


“The truth is I’ve always preferred showers.”


“Oh,” she replied, mildly thwarted.


He settled deeper into the water. “Until now, anyway.”


She face broke with a lovely smile. “Well, my lord, I’m glad my naked presence has changed your opinion.”


“It has,” he confirmed, stretching out his legs. “I am committed to doing it again.”


“With your mate?” she asked, then instantly looked as though she wanted to take it back.


A thread of irritation moved through him. “Why do you speak of her? Especially now. Like this.” With me.


She shook her head. “I don’t know. I’m sorry.”


“You should not feel threatened by her, Elia.”


“I don’t,” she insisted. “I—”


“She will be a food source only,” he continued, feeling the urgent need to explain so they could return to the ease and sensual play of a moment ago. “And of course mother to the young that may come.” He smiled knowingly at her. “But everything else my life affords now will stay the same.”


But instead of looking reassured, understanding that he meant he would wish to see her after this night, her face went ashen. “That sounds…” She shook her head.


“What? Realistic?”


“No. Heartless.”


He breathed. Perhaps she was not informed of his duty, his future as Master of Trevanion, or how his kind existed in this world. “It is how things are, Elia. For me. My family. And for Incubi. Our kind must have sex to survive.”


“I know.”


“We don’t have it within us to forge deep, long-lasting connections. Incubi do not love.”


She cocked her head and asked, “Is that really all Incubi? Or just you?”


Cas paused. He didn’t like this line of questioning. It delved into a subject that both irritated and confused him. Especially lately…


“Yes, there have been some Incubi who have taken mates out of what they believe is love.”


“But you don’t believe it,” she prodded.


“I cannot fathom it,” he admitted. “Have not seen it. Not in my family. We are forced to mate for the good of our line, our name, our tradition. Perhaps that is a sort of love. I don’t know.”


Lara Adrian's books