Masters of Seduction Volume 2 (Masters of Seduction #5-8)

“I mean you no harm,” he stated, hands in the air as if she held a gun in her hands and not a thick, white robe.


Pain lanced through her thigh and shot downward. She hissed through her teeth. “It is you who should be worried. State your business here, Watchman, or I will be doing the harm.”


Dark eyes flickered with sudden satisfaction and the male lowered his hands. “I knew you were no ordinary servant.” One brow lifted in question. “Blade or Temple Blade?”


A thread of unease moved through her. Had this male been watching her? Having others watch her? For how long? And why? Since coming here, she’d made it a point not to be noticed. Head down, work focused, no friends, no interactions.


Only fantasies.


Her eyes were fierce as she stared at him, and slipped on her robe. “What do you want from me?”


“I’d like to help,” he said simply.


Lia smiled darkly. “In what exactly? Bathing? Dressing? Both are already taken care of, I assure you.”


His face paled as if this idea appalled him. “You misunderstand me.”


It was amazing. For a few seconds, she’d actually forgotten about how she appeared to others. The limp, the scar. Of course this male was not interested in accosting her. “Then what is it that has you lurking around my bathing pool, Watchman?”


“I have been tasked to gather ten females for the Master tonight.” He let this information sink in, then locked eyes with her and added, “I have only nine.”


“What does that have to do with me?” she asked, trying not to imagine Master Casworon entangled in eighteen sets of long, smooth, eager limbs. “Are you looking for someone to round up suitable candidates for you?”


The male actually smiled. “No.”


“Then I don’t know what—”


“I believe the tenth female is standing right before me. In white robe and fierce expression.” He inclined his head. “It is you I wish to bring to the Master.”


Lia stared at the male. Unblinking. Stunned. She couldn’t have heard him correctly. Either that, or he was playing a very hideous joke.


As if sensing her disbelief, Pennice quickly stated, “I am very much serious.”


She sniffed, nearly laughed.


But the male didn’t. He held her gaze, his eyes clear and true.


“But…” she began, shaking her head. “Why?”


“What do you mean?”


“Why me? There are females in town or in his own household who would be more than honored—”


“You are strong and intelligent and I think he would be very pleased with you,” the Watchman said. “And I wish only to please the Master.”


Warning bells were going off inside her. What he suggested was madness. Strong and intelligent didn’t attract an Incubi. She knew it, and she believed this male knew it too. Whatever he was doing, playing at, she wanted no part of it. “You saw me come out of the water—brazen and disrespectful as it was.”


He nodded. “I apologize for that.”


She continued undaunted, “You saw how I moved. Or rather how I limped.” She fairly growled the last word. She pointed to her face. “You see the scar that runs from my mouth to my temple. I am no female to enter his bedchamber.”


No matter how much I wish it. No matter how many times I have dreamt of it.


Pennice stared at her, his eyes like shining obsidian in the reigning dusk. “I don’t agree. You have a rare beauty that comes from more than appearance. More than intelligence and strength even.” His brow lifted. “Shall I prove it to you?”


Lia swallowed hard. What did that mean? What was he saying? Prove it to her? This was a joke. It had to be. And yet she couldn’t stop herself from asking. “How?”


A slow smile spread across his features. “Do you wish to go to the ball tonight?”


She started to laugh. Such a suggestion—


He cut her off with a look. “I mean what I say.”


She gave him a look. “Even if that were possible, I would never allow him or anyone else in attendance to see me as I am. Now, stop making fun of a poor house worker and be on your way.” She started past him, wishing she’d brought a stick to help her. Her leg was paining her again, stinging her, and she would have to travel the moors instead of the road.


“I’m not making fun of you, Lia,” the Watchman called after her.


She stopped at that and glanced over her shoulder. “How do you know my name?”


Eyes bright, soft smile on his lips, the Watchman reached into his coat and took out what appeared to be a wand. It was cherry wood and highly polished. “You will go to the ball tonight, dance and laugh and have a wonderful time with the Master—then at midnight you will retire to his cottage and join the other females.”


Breath stalled inside her lungs, Lia could only stare blankly at him. This male was insane. Had to be— Her thoughts were abruptly cut off as the male circled his wand slowly and green sparks of light exited the tip.


Lara Adrian's books