Masters of Seduction Volume 2 (Masters of Seduction #5-8)

“No need to be nervous,” Elijah said as he walked up and handed her a glass of champagne.


She put a smile in place and accepted the glass. “There would be something wrong if I wasn’t nervous.”


“You’ve had showings before.”


Naomi shrugged and took a sip of the golden liquid, feeling the bubbles on her tongue. “Not like this. This is the Drohas Foundation.”


“No kidding?” he asked with a wink.


She didn’t want to like Elijah, but she couldn’t help herself. His jesting eased her riled nerves. Besides, he wasn’t the one being blamed for her sister’s death.


But he was in Javan’s inner circle. That could help her get closer to Javan.


“Javan was sorry he didn’t get to talk to you the other day. He had a meeting he needed to attend. I’m sure he’ll search you out tonight.”


“I’m counting on it,” she mumbled beneath her breath before she took another drink.


Their conversation was interrupted by a worker at the exhibit. Naomi turned back to her photos. Though she didn’t want to admit it, the fact her work was in the foundation exhibit was a huge boon. It would do great things for her career.


Becky had urged her to submit her pictures for years, but Naomi had always feared being passed over. It was sad that it was Becky’s death that had gotten her here.


Naomi’s pictures were plastered on the wall in various sizes, the lighting strategically placed to give onlookers the best view.


“What a talent,” said a deep male voice behind her. “I can’t believe she hasn’t been here before.”


Naomi gripped the stem of her champagne glass and looked at the largest picture featured, which happened to be her sister as the model. “I’m glad you like them.”


“I’m going to buy one.”


Naomi turned her head toward him, only giving him a curious glance. She didn’t pay him much attention though. He wasn’t her mark. “Thank you.”


“You’re the artist?”


“I am.”


He moved so that he stood even with her as they stared at the photos. “You have a gift. You make a story with one photo. Few people can do that.”


His praise made her smile, and she was finding she loved hearing his silky voice. He didn’t shout. Everything he said was spoken in a soft tone with just enough bass to make her want to lean toward him.


Her skin began to heat, desire rolling through her in thick waves. It was making it impossible for her to think clearly.


“You’re very kind,” she said and chanced another look.


He was so tall she had to tilt her head up to see his face. There were few men with that kind of height. His wealth of blond hair was thick and wavy. It was long, hanging to his chin while the front had been shoved back by a careless hand.


She loved it.


The look shouldn’t have gone with his ability to pull off a suit that had men and women alike looking his way. Perhaps Naomi should’ve paid more attention. Wouldn’t it be grand if she could find her sister’s killer, sell her work, and get a date?


A three-in-one.


She sucked in a breath as her sex throbbed. Her feet shifted as she tried to put a name to the reason as to why her stomach felt as if she was riding a roller coaster.


“It’s the truth.”


That voice again. Naomi began to take another drink of champagne, then thought better of it as her stomach couldn’t decide if it was nauseous or excited.


She turned to face the man, a smile in place when he looked at her. The smile froze, and her stomach soured instantly as she gazed into a face she knew all too well.


“Javan Drohas,” she said.









Naomi tossed back the rest of the champagne at having come face to face with her nemesis. As soon as the alcohol hit her empty stomach, she knew it had been a mistake.


“The detriment of being well known,” he said with a charming smile. “People always have me at a disadvantage. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Parker. I’ve been admiring your work since Elijah brought it to me.”


She was going to be sick. Throwing up on him wasn’t exactly the kind of revenge she wanted, but it’s what he deserved.


Naomi swallowed and took in steady breaths through her nose. By Javan’s slight frown, he knew something was wrong. She was going to have to think fast for an excuse.


“Pardon me,” she said quickly. “I never do well in these situations. I think it’s a little cruel for an artist to stand around while others critique our work.”


“You also get to hear the praise.”


She forced as much of a chuckle as she could manage.


Javan then gave a slight bow of his head. “If you’ve no wish to stand here, please feel free to walk around. Perhaps we can talk later.”


Naomi watched him walk away. She was finally able to take a deep breath, but whatever had caused her entire body to quiver with raw excitement had begun to ebb.


“Excitement?” She shook her head. “Pull yourself together, Naomi.”


Lara Adrian's books