Masters of Seduction Volume 2 (Masters of Seduction #5-8)

He prowled over her, his cock jutting heavy between his legs, aching for her. He stroked her inner thighs, but that was all the patience he could summon. Her slick juices bathed him as he guided himself to her entrance. She was so tight, so hot and wet.


Sorin uttered her name hoarsely as he began to push inside. Then on a roar that sounded more demon than man, he slowly sheathed himself to the hilt.




Ashayla clutched Sorin to her as he drove deep, impaling her with the full length and breadth of his passion. His tempo was savage, unbridled…as powerful as a storm.


And she couldn’t get enough of him.


“I can’t go slowly right now,” he ground out tightly against her mouth as he kissed her. “Not this first time.”


“No,” she agreed, breathless and wanton. “I don’t want slow right now either.”


His big body pinned her to the mattress, tremendous muscles flexing with every movement, every possessive thrust. She ran her fingertips over his broad back and shoulders, down the narrowed width of his torso. As he slammed into her with wild, relentless abandon, she gripped his ass, reveling in the solid strength of him. The sheer, erotic power of the Incubus in her arms.


She’d already come once, but the beginnings of another intense climax rolled up on her fast and hard. “Oh, God,” she whispered breathlessly. “You feel so good inside me. Don’t stop, Sorin…I want this too much…I need all of you now…”


He muttered something dark in a language she didn’t recognize—Romanian or demon, she didn’t know. But the raw, primal sound of it fueled her desire even more. Sorin’s strokes took on a fiercer rhythm, an urgent pounding that pushed her higher and higher, toward the crest of a steep, churning wave.


“Sorin!” she gasped as the first quake shook her. “Oh, my God…oh fuck, yes…”


Her orgasm ripped through her, electrifying her senses, shattering her from the inside. She screamed with the pleasure of it, utterly lost. Gloriously adrift with him still riding her, coaxing her toward the next peak. Completely at his mercy and his command.


She’d never known it could be like this. So pure and open, so beautifully intense. The pleasure was so wrenching, hot tears leaked from the corners of her eyes.


Sorin swept them away on his thumbs, cradling her face as he braced himself above her on his elbows. He made a quiet growling noise as he stared into her bleary gaze, his expression smug with masculine pride.


“You’re mine, Asha. Mine.” He punctuated the command with a deep roll of his hips, one she felt all the way to her womb. All the way to the center of her heart. “Say it.”


“Yes,” she admitted breathlessly. “Yours. Oh God, Sorin…it’s true.”


How she would ever move on to anyone else after being with him, she had no idea. The thought alone repulsed her.


There was only him now.


She was his. Body, heart and soul.


And from the wicked gleam in his hooded gaze, the sexy smirk he gave her now, it was clear that her Incubus Master wasn’t finished with her just yet.


Rising up onto his fists, he began to move with stronger intent again. He crashed into her, battering her with increasingly harder thrusts of his hips. Ashayla loved his unchecked need. She loved how his cock filled her, stretched her tight as her tiny muscles spasmed around him with the aftershocks of her release.


Sorin gathered her to him, his hands spearing under her shoulders as he thrust again and again and again, deeper and harder and more frenzied—until a coarse shout tore from his lips and he withdrew, bathing her belly with the hot jet of his seed.


He heaved above her for a moment, breathing heavily, then he snarled a vivid curse. “It’s not enough yet. Not with you.” He took her in a possessive kiss, fucking her mouth with his tongue the way he’d just ruled her body. When he broke away, he was panting, eyes wild with unbanked desire. “I need to have you again, Asha. Now.”


He flipped her onto her stomach, at the same time lifting her hips until her ass was in the air before him, her thighs spread, sex throbbing yet still hungry for him. When he speared into her slick cleft, her spine bowed in response, a ripple of pleasure-pain coursing through her like liquid fire. So good. The feel of Sorin inside her, so demanding, so raw and consuming.


She craved this wild part of him and reveled in the fact that it was her who drove him to this mad brink of need.


On a harsh moan, Sorin held her backside in a firm grasp and pumped into her with abandon. Ashayla felt branded, claimed, possessed under his sensual barrage. She felt boneless and melting, more alive than she’d ever felt before.


She surrendered to it fully—and to Sorin as well. She couldn’t fight it, even if she tried. Her heart was full to bursting, her body taut and electric, utterly at his mercy.


Her climax broke over her the same time Sorin’s tore through him. He shouted a jagged curse and this time he didn’t withdraw. Maybe he didn’t have time. Maybe he couldn’t find the will to leave her body.


God knew, she wanted him there.


Lara Adrian's books