Magic Rises

Christopher came to stand by me and smiled.


The Rush turned, picked up speed, and slid out of the harbor. The mountains receded.


I looked at the gathering of metal drums that sat near the nose of the ship, secured by ropes. At least we had done it. At least we got the panacea. Maddie wouldn’t have to die. Aunt B would never see her grandchildren, but at least, if Raphael and Andrea had any babies, they wouldn’t—


“Look!” Raphael called, pointing north.


A fleet of ships anchored behind the curve of the harbor. Six large vessels, the biggest longer than the Rush. They flew the Iron Dog banner.


“Hold your breath,” Saiman murmured next to me.


The Rush glided across the sea.


A minute passed. Another. The air grew thick with tension.


We turned again and sped across the blue waves. Hugh’s fleet disappeared from view. They’d let us go. They must not have known what happened.


Doolittle rolled into view. He sat in an old wheelchair. Did Saiman actually get it for him? How unlike him.


Doolittle cleared his throat. “Someone tampered with the drums.”


Curran set up. “What?”


“Someone tampered with the panacea drums,” Doolittle said. “The seals are broken.”


Barabas jerked the lid off the nearest drum, thrust his hand in, and recoiled. “Powdered silver.”


“And arsenic,” Doolittle said.


“All of it?” Curran asked.


Doolittle’s eyes were ashen. “Every barrel.”


God damn it, Hugh.


“How?” Andrea asked. “How did they get on board? I thought you had checked the barrels after they were loaded.”


“I did,” Doolittle said. “And I had personally sealed each one. Saiman had posted guards.”


Saiman. Of course.


Curran surged to his feet, grabbed Saiman by the throat, and jerked him up. Saiman’s feet left the deck.


“You!” Curran snarled. “You let d’Ambray poison it.”


Saiman made no move to resist.


Curran hurled him across the deck. Saiman hit the cabin with his back and stood up. “Rage all you want,” he said. “I didn’t have a choice. The contract we signed obligates me to do everything in my power to maintain your safety. It was made abundantly clear to me that sacrificing the panacea was the only way to ensure your survival. Those ships would’ve never let us go. I did what I had to do so we could all go home.”


Curran swayed on his feet, his eyes pure gold.


“Let it go,” I said. “Let it go, honey. It’s over.”


Curran closed his eyes and lay back down. He didn’t bother with threats and promises. They would do no good now.


“So it’s all for nothing?” Andrea said, her voice too high. “Aunt B died for nothing?”


Raphael smashed his fist into the drum, denting it. Eduardo swore. Keira screamed, a sound of pure frustration.


I couldn’t take it. I covered my face.


All for nothing. Aunt B would never see her grandchildren for nothing. Doolittle’s paralysis, George’s arm, Curran’s legs, all for nothing.


Tears wet my fingers. I realized I finally was crying.


“Mistress?” Cold fingers touched my hands, gently. “Mistress?”


I forced my hands from my face. I couldn’t even talk.


Christopher was looking at me, his face concerned. “Please don’t cry. Please.”


I couldn’t help it. The tears just kept rolling.


“Please don’t cry. Here.” He pulled the chalk from my spare belt hugging his waist and began drawing a complicated glyph on the deck. “I will make more. I will make more panacea right now.” He started pulling herbs out of the pouches. “I will make as much as you want. Just please don’t cry.”


Two hours later we had our first batch of panacea. Doolittle tested it and said it was the strongest he had ever seen.






Andrews, Ilona's books