Magic Burns

Page 17




Myong jumped off her chair and cringed. Her shoulders hunched, as though she were expecting a punch, her head drooped, and her knees bent. She looked down on the floor. Had she been in her animal form, I’m pretty sure she would have peed herself.


Alrighty then, I guess we knew who stood higher in the Pack’s chain of command.


“You don’t have to answer him,” I said. “Information disclosed to a representative of the Order is confidential unless subpoenaed by a court of law.”


She just stood there, watching the floor. It was too much for me.


“You may go,” I said.


She fled the office. A second later the door leading to the landing clicked closed behind her. I bet she was running down the stairs to the outside. Hopefully, she wouldn’t break her legs in those stilettos. Her bones might take a whole two weeks to heal.


“May I come in?” Derek asked.


I pointed to one of the two client chairs. “Why is Myong scared of you?”


He sat and shrugged. “I can only guess.”




“I work for Curran directly now. She’s probably afraid I’ll snitch, because I think I know why she was here.”


“Will you?”


He shrugged again. “It’s her own affair. Unless she starts plotting some harm to the Pack, I’m not interested. Coming here wasn’t her idea anyway. She’s very passive.”




He nodded. “That asshole made her do it. I always said he was a slimebag.”


“Your opinion is duly noted.” Thank you, boy wonder, for the editorial on my “almost could have been”


boyfriend. What would I do without the moral compass of a teenage werewolf?


“Why didn’t he come himself? Shouldn’t he be here saying, ‘Hey, I know it didn’t work out between us, but I need your help?’ His ego’s so big, he sent his fiancée to beg his former girlfriend to arrange his wedding. How weak is that?”


Pretty weak. “Not another word.”


Derek sat up a little straighter. Yellow rolled across his eyes and vanished. That wasn’t normal.


I pulled Slayer from its sheath and ran my finger along its length. The opaque, almost white metal of the saber nipped at me with faint magic teeth. Definitely a flare. Shapeshifters had trouble controlling their emotions during the flare. Great, just great. Perhaps Curran could be emotionally detached about this