Magic Bleeds

“In the public eye, there is a huge imbalance of power between you and me. If I went to the Keep with you, Atlanta would stop viewing me as Kate Daniels, agent of the Order, and would perceive me as Beast Lord’s Girlfriend Number Nineteen. Or Number Eight, depending on how they chose to look at it. What little reputation I’ve earned would be wiped away and you can bet that the Order will take me off the current case faster than you can snarl.”


“We both have to give up some things,” he said.


I crossed my arms. “I’m so glad you see it my way, Your Majesty. Quit being the Beast Lord, give up the Pack, and come live with me in my apartment.”


“You know I can’t do that.”


I smiled at him.


“I get it,” he said. “Point made. It’s not fair. But the Pack is who I am. I built it for my people. The Order isn’t who you are. Half of the time you’re trying to figure out how to hide what you find from them. I’ve read your report of the flare. If there was a lying competition, you’d win it hands down.”


That hit really close to home. “The Order is where I choose to be right now. If I’m taken off this petition, it will go to Andrea. She’s my best friend. If she collides with the Mary’s magic, she might be exposed. It’ll destroy her. In any case, I don’t have to justify myself to you.”


“Andrea knew the risks when she became a knight. You didn’t put her into this situation, she did it herself. You’re just delaying the inevitable. She’s trying to live in two worlds at once and she can’t.”


Ouch. That hit really, really close to home.


He kept going. “You don’t want to justify yourself. I respect that. But you want me to be your dirty secret. To skulk about and pretend that you’re not mine in public. I won’t do it.”


“I’m asking you to be discreet.”




“Would you like to borrow a pair of my panties to wave around at the next Council meeting to get the point across?”


His eyes flashed. “Got any to spare?”


I could’ve picked somebody rational. But no, I had to fall in love with this arrogant idiot. Come to the Keep with me, be my princess. Mourn me when your crazy dad kills me. Yeah, right.


He got up, took the phone from the counter, and set it before me. “I said we both had to give up something.”


“So far I’m the one expected to give up things. What’s your sacrifice?”


He nodded at the phone and rattled off a number. “That’s the phone of the Keep’s steward. His crew makes all the sleeping arrangements. I called him this morning to tell him I would be coming in. Call him. See if I requested a room to be prepared for you.”


The phone rang.


We both looked at it.


It rang again and I picked it up. “Yes?”


“Kate?” Saiman’s voice sounded mildly anxious. “I see you survived the night.”




Curran picked up his empty plate.


“Are you injured?”


“No.” Just tender in some places.


“That’s good to hear.”


The sound of tortured metal screeched through the kitchen. Curran was slowly, methodically rolling the metal plate into a tube.


“What is that noise?” Saiman said.




“Are you planning to visit the Temple today?”


“If the magic complies.”


“I would be interested in learning what you find out.”


“Your interest has been noted.”


I hung up. Curran dropped a chunk of nearly solid metal that used to be a plate onto the counter.


I looked into his gray eyes. “Curran, if you attack him, I’ll have to defend him. There is no competition there. If I had wanted to be with him, I could have.” Crap. That didn’t come out right.


He took a deep breath.


“What I meant to say was, he offered and I declined.”


“Come with me.”


“I can’t.”


A shadow passed over his face. “Then we’re done.”


“So it’s all or nothing?”


“That’s the only way I can do it.” He turned his back to me and walked out.






Andrews, IIona's books