Luther's Return (Scanguards Vampires Book 10)

Katie let herself go. Luther feeding from her lulled her into a trance, while his pistoning cock sent waves of pleasure through her body. Her clit throbbed. Then her body erupted in a symphony of ecstasy. She heard nothing but her own heartbeat and Luther’s moans. Her sex spasmed and she felt Luther respond in kind. His cock jerked inside her. Then she felt it: his hot semen filling her as he continued to move inside her. Slower now, but no less tantalizing.

She felt cool air waft against her breast, then a hot tongue lick over it. Katie lazily opened her eyes and watched Luther lift his head from her breast and retract his fangs. His eyes were still glowing red, but the moment he met her gaze they turned back to their rich brown color.

Katie opened her mouth to speak, but no words came over her lips, because the only words she wanted to say were ones he didn’t want to hear. Instead she lifted her hand and ran it through his hair. It was damp from his sweat.

He held her gaze, but he, too, was silent. After an eternity, he rolled off her and stood.

She looked up at him, drinking in his perfect male form for the last time, before he turned his back to her and began to get dressed.

I love you, she mouthed silently behind his back and pushed back the tears that threatened to expose her true feelings.


Luther looked over his shoulder at Katie, who stood in the hallway, watching him and Roxanne getting ready to leave.

“Give me a moment,” he said to Roxanne and crossed the distance between him and Katie with four long strides.

Wesley retreated into the living room, giving them privacy.

Luther put a finger under Katie’s chin and tilted her face up. There was so much he wanted to say to her, but words failed him, just like they’d failed him when they’d made love. He’d sensed it then, in fact had felt it growing inside him over the last few days and nights. The feeling that he couldn’t live without her. That she was meant for him. That he was meant for her. He didn’t want to acknowledge it, because it was impossible for something like that to happen to him. And to happen so fast.

And why should it? Most vampires only got one chance at finding their mate. Why would he of all people get a second one, when he knew he didn’t deserve it? Or was it all an illusion that would be ripped from his hands the minute he grabbed for it? He’d been down that road once before with Vivian. And he was frightened to take that same path again. What if it led him to the same horrible end? So he could be punished once more.

“Katie,” he murmured, unable to turn his feelings into words.

Tears rimmed her emerald eyes. Her breath blew against his face, so sweet, so tempting that it nearly tore his heart in two.

He pulled her into his arms and brought his mouth to her ear. “I can’t promise you anything, but I want you to know that what’s between us means something to me.” He took her hand and pressed it against the place where his heart beat out of control. “You are in here.”

She sniffled. “Luther,” she choked out.

He pressed a kiss to her forehead, then turned quickly, worried that he wouldn’t be able to leave if he saw her cry. With long steps he walked to where Roxanne stood. He waited for a moment until he heard Katie join her brother in the living room. Then he opened the door and took Roxanne’s hand to lead her outside into the dark.

Pretending to be as affectionate with Roxanne as he’d been with Katie was hard and felt unnatural, but in case they were being watched, he did it nevertheless. He was glad when they were finally sitting in Katie’s Audi and driving toward the waterfront to meet up with Blake’s team.


Luther pulled up at the abandoned pier and killed the engine. “Showtime.”

Roxanne nodded. “Let’s do this.”

They exited the car. Blake was already waiting for them. Luther looked around. He saw nobody else.

“Where is everybody?” Luther asked as Roxanne stopped next to him.

“The team is in place.” Blake motioned toward the water. “The exchange will take place on Alcatraz. It’s not exactly the kind of place we were counting on. We had to scramble to set everything up.”

“But isn’t Alcatraz open for tours?”

“The last night tour would have finished at nine thirty and normally the daytime staff doesn’t arrive till six am, but we’re in luck: Alcatraz is closed over the Christmas break. We won’t have any issues with civilians.” He paused for a moment. “Forrester wants you to deliver Katie. He asked for you by name.”

Luther’s forehead furrowed. “He doesn’t know me. How can he ask for me by name?”

“I can only assume that he’s been watching us all this time and figured out that you have a connection to Katie. Or maybe he sees you as less of a threat than somebody from Scanguards. I’m not sure. In any case, we’ll have your back.” Blake pointed to a small motorboat that was docked a few yards away from them. “Take the boat to the main dock on Alcatraz. Once you get there, he’ll turn on lights along the ground that will lead you to the location where the exchange will take place.”