Luther's Return (Scanguards Vampires Book 10)

“Still doesn’t give you the right to interfere in my life.”

Hands at her hips, she tried to walk past Luther, but he pushed her back behind him. “You’re naked, Katie.”

Then Luther exchanged a look with Blake. “If you don’t mind, a little privacy so Katie can get dressed without you guys ogling her.”

Blake gave a stiff nod. “Two minutes. And don’t try to escape out the back. We have another man watching the outside. You wouldn’t get far.”

Blake shooed the other two out before turning away and closing the door.

Alone with Luther, Katie let out a breath of air. “Shit!”

Luther turned to her. “You could say that.” He ran his eyes over her. “Let’s get dressed. Those guys saw more of you than they ever should have.”

He took the towel from earlier and brought it to the juncture of her thighs, gently wiping away his semen. “This wasn’t exactly how I imagined this ending.”

“It’s not over,” she said.

Luther took the towel and cleaned himself off, before turning to collect his clothes from the floor. Katie closed the clasp of her bra and searched for her panties.

“Is there something between you and Blake?”

The sudden question surprised her and made her spin around to look at him. “Why would you think there’s something between me and Blake?”

Luther shrugged. “He seemed hurt, as if you’d betrayed him.”

Katie rolled her eyes and reached for her panties, pulling them on. “Men! We’re friends. Have been for a long time.”

“Maybe he wants more,” Luther hedged.

Katie pulled on her jeans while Luther stepped into his pants and zipped up.

“Blake is under stress because Isabelle was his responsibility. He’s just lashing out.”

“You do know that we can hear you, right?” Blake’s voice came from the other side of the door.

Katie cursed. “Damn it, Blake, what part of privacy did you not get into your thick skull?”

A grunt was the answer, then footsteps shuffled away.

When she turned, she caught Luther grinning at her.

“What?” She walked to where her bloodstained shirt lay on the floor and picked it up.

“Looks like you know how to handle these guys.”

She gave a one-shouldered shrug and fed her arms into the sleeves. “They’re just big boys with toys. Underneath it they’re—”

“I can still hear you, Katie,” Blake warned from the hallway.

“Screw you, Blake!” she cried out. Maybe she was overreacting a bit, but damn it, Blake and the others had interrupted her at the height of sexual ecstasy and prevented her from feeling Luther’s bite. She felt cheated out of an experience that she’d been told was out of this world. Who wouldn’t be a tad pissy about that?

She charged toward the door, but Luther pulled her back. He leaned down to her and whispered into her ear, “Don’t let him rile you up. Though you do look utterly sexy when you’re mad!”

She didn’t get a chance to reply, because Luther’s warm lips captured her mouth for a kiss that robbed her of her breath.


“Let’s deal with this,” Luther said and opened the door to the hallway, leaving the bedroom ahead of Katie.

The three men from Scanguards were pacing in the living room when he entered followed by Katie. He walked up to Blake, but before he could start explaining, Wesley took a few steps toward Katie.

“What the fuck happened to you?” He pointed to the bloodstained shirt. Then he charged at Luther, fists raised. “You hurt her, you fucking asshole?”

Luther blocked Wesley’s punch with ease, pushing him back without fighting back. He didn’t think it wise beating up Katie’s brother. “I didn’t hurt her,” he ground out.

He felt Katie’s hand on his arm as she moved to his side. “I got injured. It wasn’t Luther’s fault.”

Well, that was a blatant lie on Katie’s part, because it had been his fault. He hadn’t kept her safe like he’d promised.

“How?” Wes hissed, his eyes narrowed in suspicion, approaching slowly.

“I got stabbed by a prison guard.”

“A prison guard?” Blake interrupted.

Before either Luther or Katie could answer, Wesley snatched the edge of Katie’s shirt and lifted it by a few inches. “You’re healed.” He turned his head to look at Luther. “You gave her your blood.”

Not a question, but a statement. Though it sounded like Wesley wasn’t pleased about it.

“I had no choice. Her lung was punctured. She would have died.”

Next to him, Katie sucked in a breath and grabbed his elbow. “What?” She shook her head in disbelief. “Why didn’t you tell me how bad it was?”

“I didn’t wanna worry you. Besides, you’re fine now.”

“Fuck!” Wesley cursed. “Jesus Christ, Katie, what did you get yourself into?”

“How much did you give her?” The question came from Blake.

Luther exchanged a look with the vampire. “Enough.”