Lost In Time (Blue Bloods Novel)

Domus Lamia: House of the Vampyres The House of the Vampyres oversees vampire–human relations, and its representative is also the head of the Conspiracy Subcommittee, which keeps the false myths and misleading legends about the Blue Bloods alive in Red Blood society. Currently represented by Seymour Corrigan, who is cousin to Edmund Oelrich, the Chief Warden who perished in the Rio massacre.

Domus Fortis Valerius Incorruptus: House of the Pure Blood, of the Uncorrupted, of the Valiant and the Strong, Protector of the Garden, Commander of the Lord’s Armies The seat on the council given to the family of the reigning Regis, since the beginning of time the seat has been held by Michael and Gabrielle’s line; the Van Alen line is currently represented by Mimi Force since Charles Force’s disappearance.


“The Committee” is Blue Blood shorthand for the vast number of charitable causes, educational institutions, and foundations that are run by the Coven membership. The Committee has been responsible for the preservation of some of New York’s most important landmarks and has funded many of the city’s most prestigious cultural institutions. Under its official public name, the New York Blood Bank, it has raised money for blood research, HIV and AIDS, and hemophilia. To outsiders, it appears snobby, cliquish, and exclusive to the extreme; to insiders, it is sovereign.

Committee members are called Wardens. All Blue Blood families registered with the Coven are invited to join; most individuals receive their membership invitation around the age of fifteen, coinciding with their Transformation into immortal. Under his tenure as Regis, Lawrence Van Alen opened the Committee membership to include human Conduits; this policy was quickly revoked by Forsyth Llewellyn. It has yet to be reinstated.

The Committee’s Chief Warden is in charge of educating and ushering the newest generation of vampires to adulthood and imbuing them with the spirit of the vampires’ mission on Earth: to bring light, truth, beauty, and art, and to bring Paradise to their Earthly home.


List of Secondary Characters

Abeville, Toby: Blue Blood groom who gets bonded in Bali to Daisy Van Horn.

Adriana: Housekeeper at the Duchesne school

Almeida, Don Alfonso (“Alfie”): An Elder from the South American Coven, his family is part of the Blue Blood contingent that moved to Brazil in 1808, when the Portuguese royal family and many nobles chose to flee from, rather than fight, the Red Blood conqueror Napoleon. The Rio Conclave said he went missing during his yearly sojourn into the Andes, and it was suspected that he had fallen victim to a Silver Blood attack. He returned seemingly unharmed, but we now believe he had been Corrupted in a Silver Blood ruse to bring the New York Conclave to Rio for slaughter. He hosted the dinner party where they were all murdered.

Almeida, Do?a Beatrice: The wife of Alfonso Almeida, suspected to have also been Corrupted by the Silver Bloods Amory, Summer: A Blue Blood debutante found drained by a Silver Blood in her penthouse apartment in Trump Tower. Her last name is frequently misspelled as “Armory” in the Repository Files (interns: please correct immediately).

Anders, George: One of the former Conduits who now serves as a librarian at the Repository

Anderson, Christopher: Lawrence Van Alen’s human Conduit for almost seventy years. After Lawrence’s murder on Corcovado, Anderson chose freedom and forced amnesia rather than a position as a Repository scribe, but not before sending Schuyler and Oliver to Countess Isabelle for help.

Andrews, James, M.D.: Dr. Andrews was the doctor in charge of Dylan Ward at Transitions rehabilitation center.

Anka (No Last Name Given): The designer of Stitched for Civilization, a high-end jeans line. She hired Schuyler and Bliss for an advertising campaign.

Archibald, Josiah Rockefeller: Retired from the Conclave for years, he was called back to serve as Inquisitor after the Rio Massacre. As one of the seven ruling Wardens, he represents Domus Magnificat, the House of Riches.

Bank, Charlie: Another teenage vampire sent to Transitions for “rehab” during his Transformation

Barlow, Ambrose: One of the oldest living Elders in this cycle, Ambrose Barlow was relieved from emeritus status and called back to duty in the Conclave after the Rio Massacre. In Rome he was Caligula’s foreman Brittanicus before Caligula’s Corruption was discovered. In The Van Alen Legacy (Repository Record #404), when Bliss Llewellyn heard Forsyth and the Visitor mocking him, she assumed he must be one of the good guys and sent him an anonymous letter warning him that Forsyth was dangerous. Though Ambrose shared this letter with Minerva Morgan and Mimi, he was not strong enough to vote against Forsyth in the White Vote. He represents Domus Stella Aquillo, House of the Northern Star.

Barlow, Margery: Elder emeritus, wife of Ambrose

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