Lost In Time (Blue Bloods Novel)

Her legs dangled uselessly as he carried her back to the butcher shop, and she took the opportunity to study him in more detail. He must have wiped the gunk from his hair, because under the glow of the streetlight, Bliss could see that it was actually a lovely deep chestnut color. He had sharp, fine features, wide blue eyes and an Irish nose, a square jaw and a strong forehead. He wasn’t frail and sickly at all, but young, virile, and very handsome.

After months of searching, Bliss felt oddly safe in his strong arms, and wondered exactly who or what she had found in Hunting Valley.

Behind them, his team was already clearing away every trace of the accident.



While most, if not all, Blue Bloods families are registered with the Coven, there are a few who choose to live outside of Committee jurisdiction. These families and individuals are not affiliated with the Silver Blood threat, but neither do they help advance the Blue Bloods’ core mission. They do not attend Committee meetings, are not active in Coven leadership, and for reasons of their own, prefer to live outside and apart form the community.


Xathaneal, the Hidden One

Birth Name: Dylan Elliot Ward Origin: May 5, 1992, Greenwich, Connecticut Known Past Lives: Alfred, Lord Burlington, Earl of Devonshire (Newport), William Bradford (Plymouth), Paolo Ghiberti (Florence) Bondmate: None

Assigned Human Conduit: None List of Human Familiars: Unknown Physical Characteristics:

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black

Height: 5’9”

Very little is known of the Ward family since they chose to live off-Coven at the beginning of the twentieth century. The only member that has come to the Committee’s attention is Dylan, for his role in unmasking the Silver Blood conspiracy.

Dylan enrolled at the Duchesne School his sophomore year, and the intern reports state that rumors began circulating from the very beginning that he had been kicked out of every prep school on the Northeastern Seaboard, fueled perhaps by his attitude (sullen, aloof, a perpetual scowl) and his purposefully grungy attire (beat-up leather jacket, dirty jeans). However, the truth is much more mundane. Dylan attended Greenwich elementary and middle schools, where he was an average student.

He found friendship with fellow misfits Schuyler Van Alen and Oliver Hazard-Perry, and a budding romance with Bliss Llewellyn, who was overheard saying, “Dylan’s the kind of boy who broke the rules and let anything happen, and I like that about him.”

The prime suspect of the murder of Aggie Carondolet, Dylan was being held by the Committee for questioning when he escaped and was believed to have attacked again, this time targeting Cordelia Van Alen. However, we now believe that far from being the perpetrator and suffering from Corruption, he was in fact yet another Silver Blood victim, whose memory had been egregiously tampered with, causing disorientation and incoherence. The Venators now believe that Bliss Llewellyn, under the influence of Lucifer, was the real perpetrator.

When Dylan reappeared in New York, he sought out Bliss, who turned him over to her cycle father. Forsyth Llewellyn immediately checked him into Transitions, the vampire rehabilitation center. He was checked out after only a few weeks, and his dead body was later found on Corcovado Mountain, next to the corpse of Lawrence Van Alen.

As a vampire with no bondmate, Xathaneal was free to choose a cycle mate among the Coven, and was continually drawn to Azazel (Bliss) over history. In 1870, as the eldest son of the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire, he was engaged to marry Maggie Stanford at the time of her disappearance. It is the Repository’s belief that in other incarnations he was drawn to her as well. May Brewster became Goody Bradford, and Giulia de Medici was pledged to Paolo Ghiberti.

Current Status: Finished. Slain by Lawrence Van Alen in Rio.

(See Revelations: Repository Record #303 for more information on his death.)

Author’s Note: This story takes place after the events in Blue Bloods and before Masquerade. The story is not told from Dylan’s point of view, but does shed a little more light on what happened to him.


Dylan’s Story

It was the light that started it. Hannah woke up at three o’clock in the morning one cold February day and noticed that one of the old copper sconces along the wall was turned on, emitting a dim, barely perceptible halo. It flickered at first, then died, then abruptly came back to life again. At first she chalked it up to a faulty wire, or carelessness on her part—had she turned off the lights before bed? But when it happened again the next evening, and again two days later, she began to pay attention.

Melissa de la Cruz's books